Almost 15 years ago I started my first battle with infertility. After spending 2 years trying to conceive in spite of not having regular periods, I finally sought the help of an OB/GYN. Well after running many tests and finding no problems, he put me on Provera and Clomid. After several months of treatments and a stay in the hospital, my DR. informed me that I would never have any children. After hearing that from him and not getting a complete explanation of my condition...I went home and tried to deal with this fact. I gave up and convinced myself I would never have children.
I spent the next 10 years fighting that deep desire of wanting a child of my own, and dealing with cycles that were at first Anovulation, then went to Amenorrhea. Then in January '93 my cycles straightened out (by themselves, I have no idea why and can not explain it). I started having periods every month and right on time. In August '94 I started feeling sick and thought I was getting the Flu. Well, October 15th '94 I found out it was not the Flu, but that I was pregnant! In May'95 I gave birth to a healthy little boy, whom I believe is a true miracle from Heaven!
When my son was about 9 months old, we decided we wanted another child. I didn't want it to take years like before, so I started seeing an Infertility doctor. After 6 months of doing BBT's, blood tests and trying naturally (w/o drugs), I had my first Laparoscopic surgery. With that came the discovery of scar tissue, level 1 Endometriosis and cysts on my ovaries. To shorten this story a bit and not bore you with small details; I was on Clomid for almost a year, (various doses from 50mg to 150mg). I also took 3 months of HCG shots combined with the Clomid. I didn't have any luck with them, just ended up with more cysts on my ovaries. Doc did another laparoscopy and at the same time also did an HSG to see if my tubes were blocked. My tubes were clear, but there was more scar tissue this time and also my right ovary was in a spot it did not belong. After this I approached the subject of IUI with him. He then referred me to an RE.
Well that was in May 98. The RE did all the normal blood work-up on me and did a SA on hubby. Hubby's sample came back fine. So the problem lies within me. In June I went in and had an Endometrial Biopsy done. July 14th I went back to find out the results of the biopsy and all the blood work. The first thing he tells me is that I have PCOS, Diabetes and need to have a Rubella shot right then. Well having a Rubella shot then meant that I would have to wait 3 more months before I could TTC. Once the 3 month wait was up (Oct) we could start trying again. Only this time instead of Clomid and HCG, he would start me on injectable drugs. So for now that is my story, and while I am waiting I am trying to get my other health issues under control to improve my chances once we start with treatment again.
Well what I have to say next saddens me, yet there is a part of me that sighs in relief.
It has been a year now since the above last paragraphs events have gone on. Unfortunately we did not get to go on to the injectable drugs in treatment. We came up on the most frustrating block (in my opinion) in this whole battle.
The Insurance Company! I will not get started on a rant here about it all. But my advice when you start even thinking of infertility treatment is, first look into your insurance and make sure you know exactly what they cover and how much they cover.
I have seen and now am one, of so many couples whos dreams are denied by roadblocks with the insurance companies.
But now I do have a happy ending to this in a way. We are now in the process of adopting a beautiful little boy. To read more about that and find informative links on adoption, check this page
Our Adoption Story
author unknown
A friend received this and gave me permission to add it here.
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please let me know so credit can be given properly.
Well here I sit holding my breath.
Will this be the month to put my heart to rest?
Oh how time drags when you wait for that sign.
Will my desires finally be mine?
Has He heard my prayers, has He answered my call?
Has He finally given me what I want most of all?
Only time will tell, and if it is a fail.
Tell me how can I go thru this hell.
Each day, each month, one at a time.
I feel as though I am out of my mind.
Will I ever have what I feel should be mine?
C. Agler
Periods can be nonexistant or abnormal bleeding
Causing excessive hair growth
Ovarian pain and cysts are consistant with it.
Signs of adult-onset diabetes and obesity.
Pretty Calm Outwardly Somewhat
Cause that is how we present ourselves
Only inside we are fighting many battles at once.
So many questions, so much frustation
Pregnancy is what I strive for.
Creating a family with my spouse.
Only to be fooled once again.
Seriously confused by the signs each month.
Putting on weight.
Causes of acne.
Ovulation regular? Ha not a chance with us.
Sometimes we are lucky to have a cycle at all.
Pretty Crazy One Sometimes.
Is how I end up feeling.
All because I have,
Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome
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Getting the Most Out of Health Insurance |
State Infertility Insurance Laws |
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Online Infertility Books![]() |
ParentSoup | Miracle Babies Online |
INCIID Site | -A Couples Survival Guide |
ONNA | Online Book On Infertility |
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Male Infertility Sites![]() |
Endometriosis | Male Infertility Treatment |
Endo Information | How to Enhance Male Fertility |
Medical Treatment of Endo | Male Factor Infertility |
Endometriosis FAQ | A Man's Point of View |
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POF Sites ![]() |
PCOSupport Page | Premature Ovarian Failure |
PCO Syndrome Page | Premature Menopause |
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Surrogacy Sites![]() |
Infertility Definitions | Gestational Surrogacy |
Glossary On Infertility Terms | Surrogacy Questions & Answers |
Fertility Drugs & Medications | American Surrogacy Center |
Infertility Glossary | Personal Surrogacy HomePage |
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