Remembering Biffy...

Read Biffy's Diary



We adopted Biffy in January 1992. He was a feral stray that we had seen wandering the neighborhood for a while. Our vet said that he was about 9 years old when we took him in.

In July 1996, Biffy was diagnosed with a liver disease (lymphocytic cholangiohepatitis). He has been on medication for it (prednisolone and actigall) ever since then. We had noticed that he had been losing weight since June of 1997. His bloodwork was showing nothing too unusual for Biffy. Then, on September 26, an ultrasound determined that Biffy had pancreatitis, too. The day we had the ultrasound done, he again had bloodwork run, and it showed a very high White Blood Count (WBC = 95,000). We continued to do blood tests on him about every two weeks, and his WBC started to go down, but then started to increase again. On November 28, we had another ultrasound done. This time the ultrasound showed something "mass-like in appearance" in his pancreas. We are afraid that this may be a tumor, but are hoping and praying that it is only inflammation caused by the pancreatitis.

We expected to have another ultrasound done on December 12, to see if this "mass-like" appearance has reduced due to the increase in his Prednisolone he's been getting since this was diagnosed.

However, the day before, December 11, Biffy had what appears to be a stroke. He had a bad bout of diarrhea and vomiting. That's when Diane posted this:

I am so upset. Biffy just threw up a LOT. It was all yellowish liquid (bile) and he has bad diarrhea. In all the time he's been sick, he has never done this. This started at 1:30 pm. He threw up more at 1:50....and then again at 2:15. I have been sitting with him ever since, although, he keeps moving away from me. He can't seem to get comfortable either. He keeps moving from one side to another. Jeff called the vet. He said to hold off on all foods and meds for now, and to give him subQ fluids as soon as Jeff gets home.

The lab had lost the blood. They just found it. They are going to try and run the CBC today, so we may have the results from that tonight. but, the clotting test they only run in the morning.... so they will do that early tomorrow. They say we'll have the results by the time the Ultrasound vet gets there. We are cutting this very close. I *know* they'll want to do a biopsy now. I know he's not getting better.

I am extrmemly upset. I feel numb. For the first time I am really afraid he is VERY sick, and we may not be able to help him. It's finally sinking in that Biffy's in trouble. You know, up until now, he didn't really show the classic signs of pancreatitis, or any kind of mass being in I kept hoping this was all a big mistake. Now, I am just so afraid it isn't. I'm afraid I'm losing my baby, and he's starting to suffer now. *tears*. I'm going to go and stay with him now. I'll just sit close by him. Please pray we get through this. I'm just so very scared.

After the vomiting, he was disoriented, and started hissing and howling. Then he started doing an "ooooooooowwwwwwwwwww" howl, the kind that says "I'm really in trouble now!" ... Diane rushed him to the vet.

Tally posted this for us after Diane and Tally spoke on the phone later that day:

Biffy had a stroke this afternoon, and Jeff and Diane almost lost him. After the vomiting, Biffy was disoriented, hissing and howling. Diane rushed him to the vet, Jeff met her there and the vet said Biffy was in serious trouble. Then Biffy lost consciousness. He was in a life and death situation. The vet gave him a shock dose of cortisone and Biffy responded. The vet thinks Biffy threw a blood clot as a result of his massive inflammation. The vet advised Diane that they wouldn't know until Monday how much neurological damage is done. He said it would be several days until they saw improvement.

Biffy is now at home, and fighting. He is walking! All treatments for pancreatitis are off. Nothing by mouth for the next few days. Injectible antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication plus SubQ's only.

Biffy sure scared us!

Diane posted this the next day:

We slept in shifts through the night. We are both tired, but ok. Biffy walked out of his carrier when we look him home, but has not seemed to be able to walk since then. He tries, stumbles, and starts to fall. He drank water, but hasn't peed now in almost 24 hours. We took the box to him, but he can't seem to hold himself up in it...or maybe he doesn't understand what it is, or what he's supposed to do. The vet thinks he had a stroke. He is almost positive it was a clot in his brain, or it could be hemoraging. But, he thinks it's one of the 2, since he checked out ok from the neck down.

This has been awful. We thought he was dying. He went into a coma at the vets. The vet gave him a shock dose of cortisone, and we waited to see if he'd come to. He did after about an hour. I'm not sure what we're left with now, or how much he's lost, or will regain. The vet said he was fighting to stay alive,and we should give him every chance. I did't really think we had one, but he surprised us all. I guess he wants to be here. We will see what he can regain now. The vet said to not expect anything but tiny steps forward. I think he will be surprised that Biffy is drinking, and that he walked a little at first. The question is now, what kind of quality of life will he be left with. This is the hardest part for us all. I am sure Biffy is very confused. We have to take him back to the vet sometime today. We have to call him at 9:30 and tell him how Biffy made it through the night, then we'll see when he wants to see him. Jeff tried to pick him up last night, and Biffy SCREAMED!! He was so frightened.

Since then (as of now, 5:45 am Saturday, December 13) he has made a bit of progress; he is now able to walk a little (he's very wobbly), drink a little, and he usually manages to find the litter box. He hasn't wanted to eat anything since this happened, but we're giving him sub-Q fluids, and gentle force-feeding with Hills a/d diet. Right now he's sleeping under the computer desk. His temperature had been as low as 98.4 yesterday,but last we checked today, it was 100.0

Sunday, December 14, 1997 4:26 am:
Biffy had a seizure Saturday around noon. It lasted less than a minute, but really scared us. Diane called the vet immediately. Unfortunately, it was his day off. His office relayed the information to him at home, and he said that it was "to be expected". That was it. Diane asked about medication, and we were told to give him valium to try to prevent any more seizures. So far there haven't been any more. Since the seizure, he has been ok, mostly sleeping, and getting up to find a litter box. He still won't eat or drink on his own, so we're still giving sub-Q fluids and force-feeding him the a/d.

Monday, December 15, 1997 05:20 am:
No seizures since the one Saturday. He's still very tired, but seems to be walking a little more steady. He spends most of the day sleeping.

The big news of the day was that he ... uh... "dumped". Big one, too! Nice and solid. He had been having diarrhea a few days ago (the last time he went).

He is also starting to find and use the kitty beds. This also makes it easy for us to take him with us around the house. We carried him (in the bed) to the kitchen table and arranged it for him to watch the birds at the bird feeder outside the window. He managed to watch for a few minutes before going back to sleep.

He is starting to eat a little by himself. Diane made some chicken last night, one of Biffy's favorites, and he actually walked into the kitchen, and laid down under a kitchen chair. In the past, when Diane made chicken, he would come into the kitchen, and do what we call his "chicken dance": he'll sit right by her foot as it's cooking, and stare up at her very intently, then take like a small step - maybe an inch forward - and sit right down again, all the while staring up at her. It's his way of making her notice him. Of course, he always GETS the chicken, we make it just for him! Anyway, tonight he ate just a few bites, and also a little deli turkey, too. Just about 5 minutes ago, I was doing the usual syringe feeding of a/d, and he walked away, and started eating some Purina O.N.E. hard food, by himself! I think it must be his way of saying, "enough of that mush! I want some SOLID food!" We're definitly making progress!

Tuesday, December 23, 1997 15:37
First, I must say that we are being "cautiously optimistic", but Biffy is doing much better! He has been improving well over the last few days, he's eating good, his walking is much more stable, goes up and down stairs good, and even jumps up on the kitchen chair and onto the table to watch the birdfeeder (a.k.a. "kitty TV"). We weighed him a few days ago, and will weigh him again today or tomorrow and see how he's doing in that department. For his appetite the way it is now, he should be gaining, but we'll see.

Tuesday, February 17, 1998, 11:25
We brought Biffy in for an Ultrasound-guided biopsy on February 9th, and it showed that he has lymphoma in *at least* his liver and the mesenteric lymph node, which means he probably has it in his intestines as well. We started chemotherapy two days ago (Sunday, February 15th). His protocol so far is:

Week 1:
vincristine 0.2 mg IV
L-asparaginase 2200 IU IM
prednisolone (which he was already on, 10mg/day).

Week 2:

Week 3:

I believe that cycle repeats for the 4th, 5th, and 6th weeks.

So far he seems to be taking it well. He did throw up this morning, although this vomiting spell (3 times in a row) was better than they have been over the last few months. They HAD been 5 to 8 times in a row, and a LOT bigger, too. His spirits since the treatment have been good; he still seems happy, and his appetite has stayed good.

As always, we are still asking for prayers for Biffy. We know God has heard our prayers before, and we ask they be heard again, and that Biffy be healed. He sure is doing a good job so far!

Read Biffy's Diary for more of the lastest info on how he's doing now.

"Biffy before we took him in"

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