Sharing With A Purpose

Pomchen Creature Ring

Materials you will need:

Cut the pipe cleaners in half. Measure the pipe cleaner around your finger that you want to wear it on and twist the ends together once around. Make a 90 degree angle with the ends to the circle and then bend the ends towards you. Bend the very tips of the pipe cleaner over so you won't get cut on them. Put a dab of glue on the part that you twisted and place the pompom there. The ends that you bent towards you should come up around the pompom to make ears. Glue the googlely eyes onto the pompom and there's your ring. My daughter is taking these with her to Kennywood on Girl Scout Day to swap with other Girl Scouts.

Puzzle Pins

Materials needed:

We spray painted the puzzle pieces before the meeting date. Or you can have the girls paint them and let them dry till your next meeting. Hot glue the pin on the back of the puzzle piece and either hot glue or regular glue the eyes on the front of the puzzle piece.

Stamp Pins

Materials needed:

Cut the contact paper so that you can cover the front and back with one piece. Buy stamps from the post office. Any amount stamp will do. Take the paper off the back of the contact paper and place the stamp to one end of the contact paper. Cover the top of the stamp by flipping the rest of the contact paper on top of the stamp. Hot glue the pin on back.

Friendship Bracelet

Materials needed:

Thread the beads onto the yarn and tie a knot on either end of the end beads. Tie onto wrist. The meaning of the bracelet is on our Girl Scout Crafts page with the Friendship Bookmark instructions.

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