
Flag Recipe

Materials needed:

Place the flag in the large pot, folded so it can be picked up by the top corners. Sprinkle each color, at the appropriate time into the pot.

Girl 1 : "We're going to fix for you a threat that's really grand, and make for you a recipe - the greatest in the land"

Girl 2 : "In first we put a heaping cup of RED for courage true."

Girl 3 : Then we will add for loyalty, a dash of heavenly BLUE."

Girl 4 : "For purity, we will sift in a layer of snowy WHITE."

Girl 5 : "We will sprinkle in a pinch of STARS to make it come out right."

Girl 6 : "We will stir and stir and then you will see, that we have made is......"Old Glory'."

Two girls pull the flag out of the pot and hold it high.

ALL : This is our flag, may we always be loyal."

All can repeat the Pledge of Allegiance, followed the the Promise or song.

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