Our Rabbit - Claiborn

Oglebay Good Zoo

Rabbit Facts :

Order: Lagomorpha

Family: Leporidae

Species: Otyctolagus cuniculus

Description: A cat-sized animal with long ears and strong hind legs for jumping. Short tail, moveable wrists, second pair of upper incisors located directly behind the first (rodents only have a single pair of upper incisors)

Habitat: Domestic

Diet: Alfalfa pellets and vegetables

Behavior: Can make friendly, clean pet. Easily house-broken. Diurnal.

Reproduction: Can produce up to 6 litters per year. 3-9 blind, naked young per litter.

Predators: Carnivores; hawks, owls, and dogs

Domestic uses: Meat, pets, laboratory animals, fur (especially from the angora rabbit).

Color: All types of colors and patterns are available.

Breeds: At least 66 breeds are recognized world wide.

Life Span: 5 - 13 years

Comments: May eat fecal material to obtain maximum nutrients from its food. Run in zigzag pattern to avoid predators.

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