50 Ways to Tell Your Child
"I Love You"
I found this on the Internet last year and gave it to the
parents in my troop. I told them in order for your daughter to receive the "Mom
and Me" patch and the "Dad and Me" patch this year they had to do
at least 10 of the items on the list either seperately or together with their
daughter. I received a good response with this. Good Luck if you try.
- When your daughter is participating in an athletic event or musical
performance, be there watching.
- Help your daughter learn a new skill such as riding a bike, making a cake,
or fixing a flat tire.
- Leave an "I Love You" note in your daughter's school lunch box.
- Read a chapter together form your daughter's favorite book.
- Find a new way to trust your child by granting a new area of responsibility
that you would both enjoy and benefit from.
- After your daughter comes home from an event, have popcorn together.
- Go out in the snow together ant throw snowballs at a target (even a few at
each other).
- Listten to your daughter - with all your attention.
- Help your daughter wash her bike.
- Snuggle in bed together and tell a good-night story.
- Have a water pistol fight (let her drench you).
- Make up a secret code language and write messages to one another.
- Say "I'm proud of you:.
- Prepare your daughter's favorite dinner menu twice in one week.
- Make up and tell stories with your daughter as the hero.
- Bring home your daughter's favorite candy bar.
- Take an evening walk together.
- Have a pillow fight together some night at bedtime.
- Play a game together. (e.g. Old Maid, Concentration, Candyland, Sorry,
- The Bible's love chapter says that love "is kind" (1 Cor.13:4).
Think of a special way you can shoe kindness to you daughter today.
- Take a nature hike together and collect acorns, leaves, rocks, moss,
sticks, or whatever else you can find.
- Spend a special time praying together for others, for leaders and for the
teachers in your church, for goverment officials, for any missionaries you know,
for neighbors, for friends, and for family members.
- Keep a scrapbook of your daughter's awards, newspaper clippings, photos,
and so on. Get it out often and look at it together.
- Invite your daughter's friends over to spend the night.
- Build a "Faith Growth Chart" on which you list prayers and
answers in a column and memorized Bible verses in an other. See your daughter's
faith grow!
- Make popcorn , curl up on the couch, and watch your daughter's favorite
video for the 20th time.
- After a scolding, tell your daughter, "Did you know I love you even
when your're naughty?" Then give her a hug.
- Build and fly kites together.
- Show your daughter a special card or picture she gave you that you've kept
for a long time.
- Give your daughter your full attention when she tells you what happened at
school today, and provide a thoughtful response.
- Compliment your daughter's attempt to keep a tidy room.
- Show your daughter one of her baby pictures and tell why it's one of your
- Help your daughter fix her hair in a special way.
- Take a winter's afternoon off and do a puzzle together.
- Take your child out to breakfast (just the tow of you) before school.
- Before a big event in your daughter's life - a bit\rthday, a competition, a
big test at school - decorate her room with crepe paper and posters.
- Allow your daughter to plan the day for the family.
- Go on a bike ride together around the neighborhood.
- Take your daughter out for bowling or miniature gold and then go for ice
- Display (on the refrigerator or in another prominent spot) the artwork or
the creations your daughter makes at school, Sunday school, and so on.
- Ask your daughter's opinion on a big family decision.
- Cook breakfast together on Saturday morning.
- Tell your spouse how proud you are of your daughter for something she did,
and let her overhear your remarks.
- As you notice your daughter making or doing something creative, call other
family members to come and see.
- Give your daughter a hug when she is feeling down.
- Make sak lunches for you and your daughter and enjoy them together at a
local park.
- Planr vegetable or flower seeds with your daughter. As you together see the
plants sprout and grow, talk about your daughter's own growth - physically,
intellectually, socially, and spiritually.
- Talk to your daughter about what you believe about God.
- Talk openly with your daughter about your most significant convictions, and
ask for her opinion in response.
- In a relaxed moment together, talk about favorite memories.

Reindeer Treats
Take a
ziploc sandwich bag and put about 1/8 of a cup of oats in it and seal it. I made
a label with a reindeer on it with the saying "Sprinkle with care on your
lawn Christmas Eve for the reinder".

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