The Three Friends
by Brownie Troop #3553

Page Credits

Page 1
Renee, Ahley M., Rebekah, and Marriles

Page 2
Danielle, Christine, and Jamie

Page 3
Stephanie and Vicki

Page 4

Page 5
Ashley R.

Page 6
Amanda H. and Amanda C.

Page 7
Amanda B., Mary, and Brooke

Page 8

Page 9

Once upon a time there were three girls that were best friends.
There names were Cassie, Lauren, and Hilary.
One day they went to the zoo. At the zoo they saw a rabbit, a horse, and a zebra.

They asked the zoo keeper if they could pet them.
The zoo keeper said, "Sure you can." The three friends went to the fence and petted the animals one at a time.

After they were done petting the rabbit, the horse, and the zebra,
they went to the monkey cages to see what they were up to.
On the way there, Lauren bought a banana to eat.

Lauren started to eat her banana, but when
the monkey saw the banana he grabbed it.

"Hey! Why did you take my banana,
you monkey!!!" Lauren said angrily.

Cassie then said, "Let's go buy another one." After they went to
buy another a new banana they went to see the elephants.

The elephants were taking a bath and the cute boy elephant filled his trunk
with water and squirted the three friends.

All three friends started to laugh at each other. After they stopped laughing,
they decided to go find Hilary's parents.

When they found Hilary's parents, her
parents asked how they got all wet.

The three friends told Hilary's parents the
whole story on the way home.

The End

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