Welcome to Troop #3553's Guestbook!

Cindi Allen - 07/25/00 22:16:32
My Email:allenrc@prodigy.net
Troop#: 494
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Nampa, ID

This is a fabulous page. There were so many great ideas. Hope it is OK if my troop uses some of the ideas. Thank you for all the wonderful work you and your girls have done. I was amazing.

Deanne Miller - 07/22/00 01:18:14
My Email:rdmiller@mail.csonline.net
Troop#: 706
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie Leader
Where are you from?: Hilliards, Pa

What a wonderful site! I'm a new leader and I found alot a great ideas for our meetings. Thanks!

julia dwyer - 04/27/00 19:11:46
My Email:bldwyer2@go.com
Troop#: 1271
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: junior
Where are you from?: ellicott city, maryland

Greetings from Maryland!

ju - 04/27/00 19:09:28


Teresa - 04/17/00 07:14:19
My Email:tasee66@yahoo.com
Troop#: 1822
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: 2nd year Brownie co-leader
Where are you from?: Arizona

Our troop would be interested in hosting a trip for your mascot. Please contact me if Junior T. Bear would be interested in a summer vacation to sunny, warm Phoenix. Our girls would be happy to share camping adventures with your mascot! By the way, you have a very nice website!

ASHLON HARRIS - 04/10/00 02:06:51
Troop#: 230
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: BROWNIE
Where are you from?: MISSISSIPPI


- 04/10/00 02:01:38


Jackie - 03/24/00 14:26:12
My URL:/jackielantern00/main.html
My Email:jackielantern00@yahoo.com
Troop#: 329
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownies
Where are you from?: Florida

I am 7 1/2 years old. I live in the Heart of Florida Council. Anyone interested is trading council patches? Come see my website or my troop site http://www.geocities.com/bt329/main.html

Heather - 03/01/00 20:30:31
My Email:hpolacek@hotmail.com
Troop#: 2385
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: mother of scout
Where are you from?: california

please tell me where you found all your great Girl Scout images. I would like to build a page for my daughter

Tina Dismukes - 02/28/00 18:35:22
My Email:scouts@ev1.net
Troop#: 12132
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Houston, Texas

Wonderful troop page, I can not wait to get started on ours.

Teri Nelson - 02/25/00 22:54:49
My Email:jnt527@infonline.net
Troop#: 215
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie Troop Leader
Where are you from?: Farrell, PA

This is my first year as a Brownie Troop Leader and almost my second year living in PA. I used to live in upstate NY and I am sharing my environmental concerns mainly with the girls.

Barb Nequette - 02/24/00 20:56:35
My Email:agoofygal@email.com
Troop#: 550
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: troop leader
Where are you from?: Spanaway,Washington

neat site. We're a brand new brownie troop going on juniors,trying to find new things for the girls.It's fun checking out other troops. Thank

ashleighly - 02/22/00 10:13:57
Troop#: 59th Oldham, England
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Sprite
Where are you from?: OLDHAM


Linda - 02/04/00 01:46:53
My Email:shtrans@micron.com
Troop#: 607
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Hansen, Idaho

Cool web page! Thanks for sharing what you've been doing with us.

Phyllis Albritton - 01/31/00 04:46:02
My Email:pba1212@aol.com
Troop#: 91
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie leader
Where are you from?: Monroe,LA

I am working on thinking day and was very impressed with what you did last year. Could you please tell me how you got so much information on England. I would appreciate it.

Phyllis Albritton - 01/31/00 04:43:51
My Email:pba1212@aol.com
Troop#: 91
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie leader
Where are you from?: Monroe,L


Candi Nielsen - 01/28/00 07:12:48
My Email:cniel@eoni.com
Troop#: Jr. #718
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Troop leader
Where are you from?: Eastern Oregon

What a neat site. Lots of cool info. I especially like your ideas for Service projects and crafts. Keep up the good work! Yours in Girl Scouting!

Candice Hansen - 01/10/00 02:44:06
My Email:cahansen@interaccess.com
Troop#: 3228
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader/National Delegate/Service Team Member/Trainer
Where are you from?: Illinois Crossroads Council/Deerfield, IL

Great web site. I'm doing a song training in the near future. Where can I find tunes to some of the Daisy songs in you song section? Do you have a tape of the songs? Tunes written out anywhere? Can I call you and have you sing them to me over the pho e? (Sounds crazy, but I'm a music teacher and I'd probably be able to pick them up over the phone.) Please send me an e-mail. I am short on Daisy songs and would love to include some of yours. Thanks a lot. Yours in scouting, Candice

Julie - 12/08/99 23:35:09
My Email:retjkc@aol.com
Troop#: 771
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Southern California

Loved your website...I really enjoy seeing what you did...

Maggie Hill - 11/10/99 16:27:38
My Email:maggie_hill@acordia.com
Troop#: Junior Troop 532
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Denville, PA

Enjoyed your website -- job well done!

Stuart Bowen - 10/28/99 03:49:19
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~stubow
My Email:stuart_bowen@amat.com
Troop#: 1028
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: father
Where are you from?: san jose, ca

Just wanted to let you know that I recently read some guidelines to GS web pages and the GS logo. You may want to read them as well as there are a couple of questionable logos on your site. http://www.girlscouts.org/organization/agree_ind.htm

Shutterbug - 10/20/99 16:30:03
My URL:http://www3.sympatico.ca/mgrant/detour.htm
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Public Relations Adviser
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada

I have had a great time going through your pages - keep up the great work.

Come and visit banner

Brownie Troop 9249 - 10/19/99 01:42:32
My URL:http://www.ktsnet.com/~gscouts/troop9249.htm
My Email:dragons@ktsnet.com
Troop#: 9249
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Center, TX

Love your page and all the info. on what girls like. Some of the girls would like to be pen-pals

Polly - 10/15/99 22:23:03
My Email:ULBJUSFINE@cs.com
Troop#: 1642 & 919
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Burnsville, MN

Nice work on your web site. Are your Brownies able to do much work on it? I have thought of making a site with my 3rd grade Brownies but I wasn't sure what part of it they would actually be able to perform.

Jayne Phipps-Boger - 10/11/99 20:34:05
My Email:murt@ls.net
Troop#: Brownie Troop #658
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Sparta, NC

The web site was great. Our troop would be happy to make contributions of ideas that we try.

Chastity - 10/11/99 00:12:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/cabin/8763/main.html
My Email:bt1123_00@yahoo.com
Troop#: 1123
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader and NSUD
Where are you from?: Lincoln Park, MI

This scout site is one of the best I have seen so far. Love the flags and the pics of the scouts with leader. Lots of information here. Good job girls!

Paula Burgess - 10/03/99 20:41:51
My Email:prob13@dpc.net
Troop#: 110
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Morton, IL

Really enjoyed your website! Looks like you guys are doing really cool stuff - I used some of your ideas! Thanks!

Amy - 09/30/99 02:08:16
My Email:Amyflame@aol.com
Troop#: 706
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Boyers, Pa

Loved the website. Lots of fun projects and information. Great job!!

Daphne - 07/23/99 16:41:12
My Email:hdaphne@hotmail.com
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Canada

Great site, lots of terrific ideas. Iam a Brownie and Spark Leader. Right now my Brownie Unit is working on a project for the millennium.It's a "2000 Scrapbook" which they hope to fill with 2000 greetings from members of Guiding around the world. Come and be a part of it. Just drop us an e-mail or write 1st Dorchester Brownies c/o Daphne Holmes P.O.Box 155, Dorchester, New Brunswick, Canada, EOA 1MO. Tell us about yourself, maybe your favorite game, craft, song, or whatever you wish. We would love to hear rom you. Keep up the great work, will be back to visit again. YIGGGS Daphne

rachael mck - 07/14/99 00:18:01
Troop#: heathcote brownies
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: member of rifleman
Where are you from?: new zealand


Melinda - 07/07/99 02:05:49
My URL:http://www.EnchantedForest/Palace/8804
My Email:brownie880@geocities.com
Troop#: 880
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Richmond, VA

Please let me know when your site has been updated. I really enjoy visiting and have recommended it to other leaders in my Council. Have a great summer!!!

Patricia Beasley - 06/16/99 16:41:29
My Email:beasley@alaskalife.net
Troop#: 136
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie Leader/School Organizer/QSP Chairperson/Indoor Soccer Coach
Where are you from?: Anchorage, Alaska

I really enjoyed renee's helpful information. Please contact me I would like to correspond in a one on one basis. Loved this web site!

Lyndsey - 05/27/99 10:29:51
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/hompages/corriebeg
My Email:corriebeg@compuserve.com
Troop#: 1st Culbokie Brownies and Guides
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Guider (uk leader)
Where are you from?: Scotland

Hi there, what a nice site, I love your kewl Graphics! Come visit us in culbokie, scotland, uk some time @

Janet - 04/13/99 18:55:45
My Email:
Troop#: 15th Sparks
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Sparks leader
Where are you from?: london,ontario,canada

I am a leader with 21 girls. If anyone is interested in trading patches with me just email me what you would like to trade.

Jill - 04/03/99 02:33:23
My Email:mikejill@gis.net
Troop#: 1196
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Gloucester, MA

Thanks for a great site! I started a troop in January (with my 8 yr old daughter) & I've found this site VERY helpful! I keep checking back for more great ideas. Keep up the good work!

melissa melvin - 04/02/99 23:20:17
My Email:mmmgood23@hotmail.com
Troop#: 3620
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: troop committee member
Where are you from?: claysville, pa

Great Job! This is very impressive! :)

Reita - 03/29/99 14:45:49
My Email:rdmom@stargate.net
Troop#: 3620
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Claysville

Great job! You are so dedicated. We need more like you.

Laura Pageau - Troop Leader - 03/22/99 04:10:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/4162/index.html
My Email:laurapag@ix.netcom.com
Troop#: 6452
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Troop leader/webring manager
Where are you from?: Santee, CA

We are brownie & daisy troop 6452 from Santee, CA. You've given us LOTS of ideas, especially the SWAP meet. We have a brownie webring we'd like to invite you to join, you can access it from our homepage. I hope you'll visit our site and perhaps join th ring. Hope to see you there!!!

Thomas - 03/16/99 13:32:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/8501/
My Email:taccon@worldnet.att.net
Troop#: Brownie Troop 1006
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader, Daisy Service Team Consultant
Where are you from?: Troy, Ohio

Looking foward to you hosting our mascot.

Jill - 03/12/99 17:50:15
My Email:mikejill@gis.net
Troop#: 1196
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Gloucester, MA

This is a great site! I just started as a brownie leader in January & I've used some of your ideas. Keep up the good work!

Patty Kuhn - 03/12/99 14:59:06
My Email:pkuhn@tax.state.wv.us
Troop#: Brownie#2358
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Adult Volunteer
Where are you from?: Charleston, WV

I love your web page. It has helped me so much, with great ideas. Our troop is very small and trying to get started, so your experience has helped alot. I will be checking in from time to time and want to say thanks for all your work on your page.

Becky - 03/12/99 03:33:06
My Email:mac@1st.net
Troop#: 3118
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: brownie leader
Where are you from?: morristown ohio

nice page

brown owl - 03/01/99 04:27:36
My Email:faulconer@ns.gemlink.com
Troop#: 3085 &858
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: 01,02 ,oded,fr,cpr, I II III br&jr advent.
Where are you from?: orange va

Looking for ideas to start a Service Unit Web page I loved yours

Margie Gonzalez - 02/24/99 02:02:59
My Email:yuyita@prtc.com
Troop#: 180
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader, Trainer, Council Program Volunter
Where are you from?: Puerto Rico

After being a G.S. all my life (45) its nice to be able to talk to other G.S. around the world. As you can see I have new computer with internet. If there anything I can do for you here in P.R. or if you need anything in Spanish, let me know.

Cherie Fowler - 02/21/99 18:58:57
My Email:craftywow@aol.com
Troop#: 29
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Massillon, Ohio

I was looking for information on women that made an impact on our lives that were Girl Scouts. I came upon your site. It is very good. It hgave me ideas for my trop of Juniors to make their own site. Good Job!! Girls!!

Charlotte - 02/20/99 15:06:11
My URL:http://members.aol.com/savissweet/index.html
My Email:surfinchar@aol.com
Troop#: Brownie Troop 1612
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Ridley Pa

Great web site ! I love the story and skit! Keep up the great work! The web link is from my daughter Savannah's page.

Troop 7199 - 02/17/99 00:52:33
My Email:JC_Adams@msn.com
Troop#: 7199
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie
Where are you from?: Baytown, TX

Your web site is very neat! My troop is looking for pin pals. If anyone in your troop is interested in being pin pals, please send us a message back. (We're from TEXAS) Thanks, Troop 7199 Leader - Arlene girls - Julie, Courtney, Kayla, Elaine and Brandy

Jennifer Craighead - 02/15/99 15:49:15
My Email:WeR4JC@flashnet.com
Troop#: --
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Want to be a brownie
Where are you from?: Mission, Kansas

I really, really want to be in Brownies. I'm 8 years old. My mom and I have started something called Beach Buddies. It is kind of like Brownies. I am not in Brownies because nobody is leading the Brownie girls right now. Some of my interests are spending time with my family, getting on the internet with my mom, playing with my dog and cat, playing with my brother, and also watching TV. I love horses.

Velda McIntyre - 02/08/99 23:46:37
My Email:Jim_McIntyre@members.tripod.com
Troop#: 19th Oshawa Girl Guides
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Guide Guider
Where are you from?: Green River Ontario Canada

Enjoyed your site, especially the cookie graphics! Velda.

Debbie Castaldi - 02/08/99 17:42:25
My Email:deb.castaldi@usa.net
Troop#: 365
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: brownies
Where are you from?: Collegeville PA

We love your web site. I Shared parts of it with our troop. We wish you continued success.

Darlene O'Donnell - 02/07/99 23:31:16
My Email:billndar@inreach.com
Troop#: Brownie Troop 836
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Lemoore, CA

Beautiful Job!

Madge Brown - 02/07/99 18:59:03
My Email:lookoutma@aol.com
Troop#: 891
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: asst. leader
Where are you from?: Harrisburg, PA

You are so organized! How long are your meetings that you do soooo much?? What are you doing for Thinking Day??

Samantha - 01/30/99 15:04:25
My Email:hewnineveh@alltel.net
Troop#: 3659
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie
Where are you from?: Graysville

I like being a Girl Scout. This is my first year.

TRACY KEEL - 01/27/99 03:03:39
Troop#: 253&523
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: TROOP LEADER
Where are you from?: INDEPENDENCE,KY


fran - 01/22/99 03:29:41
My Email:fran@tidalwave.net
Troop#: 266-Brownies
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Co-leader
Where are you from?: Fredericksburg, VA

Thank-you for the wealth of information in yourwebsite. I refer to it often.Keep up the good work

- 01/19/99 16:51:19


Micheala - 01/17/99 23:53:14
My Email:JOE82668@aol.com
Troop#: 298
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie
Where are you from?: Andrews,Tx 79714

I liked your website. It was very helpful to our troop. Thankyou.

Micheala - 01/17/99 23:31:11
My Email:JOE82668@aol.com
Troop#: 298
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie
Where are you from?: Andrews,Tx 79714

I liked your website. It was very helpful to our troop. Thankyou.

Susan - 01/13/99 00:17:34
My Email:sugar2@bayou.com
Troop#: 34
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Assistant leader
Where are you from?: Bastrop, LA

Our troop is a brand new troop. I enjoyed reading your activities. I think we need help!! We do o.k. with our activities but I am interested in what we can do in our community. Any ideas, please send our way!! Thanks!

Susan Wilmore - 01/13/99 00:14:31
My Email:sugar2@bayou.com
Troop#: 34
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Assistant leader
Where are you from?: Bastrop, LA

Our troop is a brand new troop. I enjoyed reading your activities. I think we need help!! We do o.k. with our activities but I am interested in what we can do in our community. Any ideas, please send our way!! Thanks!

Holly - 01/11/99 18:48:26
My Email:bholland@snet.net
Troop#: 5234
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Windham CT

Thank you for all your wonderful ideas! This web page was a great idea.

Pam Hemmer - 01/05/99 21:55:38
My Email:dhemmer@bellsouth.net
Troop#: 319
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: mother
Where are you from?: Pembroke Pines, FL

You have a great homepage. We got lots of great ideas. We are a brand new troup and looking for fun and useful things to do. We would love to swap ideas in the future. As soon as we have one we'll let you know.

Laura & ANNA - 12/31/98 21:14:15
My Email:lrkc@erinet.com
Troop#: 486
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader & Brownie
Where are you from?: Beavercreek, Ohio

We are working on the POINT,CLICK,AND GO try-it. I suggested to my troop that they might work on this during the holidays with their families. We have enjoyed your site. Thanks!

Patricia Criscione - 12/16/98 00:46:44
My Email:troop734@aol.com
Troop#: 734
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Troop Leader
Where are you from?: Troy, New York

We enjoyed your webpage.

Mitchell - 12/09/98 22:36:31
My Email:delmic@aol.com
Troop#: 117
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: asst. Leader
Where are you from?: Edmonds, WA

Your troop is a wonderful resouce, thanks for the great information!

sherri - 11/25/98 04:53:03
Troop#: 19 & 429
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader, SUM, trainer
Where are you from?: Sharon, PA


- 11/07/98 02:49:12
My Email:lowerys@bitwisesystems.com
Troop#: 43 &44
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Trivoli, IL

Loved your web page! I will use many of your ideas. Good Job - keep it up!!!!

- 11/07/98 02:46:42
My Email:lowerys@bitwisesystems.com
Troop#: 43 &44
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Trivoli, IL

Loved your web page! I will use many of your ideas. Good Job - keep it up!!!!

jency Showker - 11/02/98 22:25:15
Troop#: 2020
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Athens, GA

Good Job!

Debbie Hoffower - 10/29/98 10:20:31
My Email:tph8@webtv.net
Troop#: 173
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Troop Leader
Where are you from?: Emporium Pennsylvania

We would like to possibly join with your troop as pen-pals. We would like to share ideas and interests etc. Please contact us as soon as possible. Thank you and we look foward to hearing from you soon.

Kipp Martin - 10/28/98 18:53:35
My Email:kamartin@carollo.com
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Brownie Leader in Training
Where are you from?: Aloha, Oregon (near Portland)

I'm new to Girl Scouts. My daughter is going to be starting Brownies just as soon as I get my training completed so we can form a Troop. I would like to get Renee's or Jim's E-mail address to coorspond with them. P. S. What's a huggie jug. (Remember, I;m new here)

Tara - 10/14/98 18:00:59
My Email:SGreen007@aol.com
Troop#: #748
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Parent
Where are you from?: Cleveland, Ohio

I love your page. I am just a mom helping out as much as I can. Enjoy getting ideas from your page. Thank You , For Sharing them.

E. Marshall - 10/13/98 00:01:54
My Email:rumrun@pil.net
Troop#: 359 Brownies
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Co-Leader
Where are you from?: Langhorne, PA

Excellent Job on your webpage. Very informative! Thank you for sharing this with us!

E. Marshall - 10/13/98 00:00:11
My Email:rumrun@pil.net
Troop#: 359
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Co-Leader
Where are you from?: Langhorne, PA

Excellent Job on your webpage. Very informative! Thank you for sharing this with us!

Tammy Coughlin - 10/11/98 22:05:45
My Email:qwksilv@worldnet.att.net
Troop#: 4146 & a new daisy troop
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Oceanside, California

Love your page! I am a Brownie Leader and A Leader for a Daisy troop awaiting our troop number. I will tell my girls about this page. Keep up the good work.

10/04/98 09:59:59
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Irene Farrow - 09/30/98 03:39:18
My Email:ener1@usaor.net
Troop#: 240
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Moon Twp, PA

Gave me some good ideas to start this year thinking!

betty wasson - 09/28/98 01:38:05
My Email:budwea@aol.com
Troop#: 604
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: co-leader
Where are you from?: peoria ill

i'm a first year leader,for my daughter's 1st grade troop.have enjoyed all of your help and information in your home page. thanks, betty

Tonya Hanshaw - 09/10/98 02:29:38
My Email:hanshawj@bright.net
Troop#: 358
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Mt. Gilead,Ohio

Hi ! We started the troop last year and are getting ready for the new year, we love it if you could possibly either be are pen pals or a host for our new mascot. Let us know if you are interested and we will get right back with you. Have a good GS year. Sincerly, Tonya Hanshaw hanshawj@bright.net

Samantha - 09/09/98 02:15:26
My URL:http://www.syscoord.com/sam/gscout
My Email:troop3225@yahoo.com
Troop#: 3225
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Leader
Where are you from?: Herndon, VA

This is such a great site! I am a second year leader and I got some really terrific ideas here! Thanks!

Melissa Repetski - 09/02/98 01:33:15
My Email:MelRepetsk@aol.com
Troop#: 2108
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: Co-Leader
Where are you from?: Monterey, California

What a great homepage! Got lots of neat ideas! You sound like a terrific troop! We just had our investiture/rededication today. Our girls have been in school since 3 August! Keep up the good work!

Susan Robinson - 09/01/98 02:40:44
My Email:sdrkdr@freeway.net
Troop#: 1011
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: leader
Where are you from?: Houghton Lake MI

Great wed page!! Our troop 1011 is looking for pen pals if you would like to become a pen pals e-mail us Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

eva white - 08/31/98 12:05:41
My Email:THOMPSON@cobweb.net
Troop#: 3553


Stacey - 08/29/98 05:51:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/2415
My Email:troop449@geocities.com
Troop#: 449
What is your position in Girl Scouts?: co-leader
Where are you from?: Tallahassee, Florida

Your web-site looks great! Keep up the good work girls!

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