Field Trips

Fantasic Sam's

Fantasic Sam's Hair Salon did a program on how to take care of your hair and either braided or curled the girls hair. They also gave a folder of helpful tips, coloring pages, and a coupon for a free haircut. The girls had alot of fun.

Presby Nursing Home

For the last two years on Valentine's Day we go and visit this nursing home. We make Valentine's Day cards and pass them out. This past year they provided us with a snack

Local Post Office

At our local post office the postmaster took all of us behind the counter to see where the mail comes in and goes out. How the mail get sorted and how the stamper works. The girls told the postmaster where they lived and he showed them where their mail goes before it is delivered. Some of the girls had a mailbox right in the post office and wer able to look through their mailbox from the other side.

Local Fire Station

At our local fire station the Asistant Fire Chief showed us the room where the fire colls come in and showed us all of the fire trucks inside and out. The girls got to try on the uniforms and the helmets. He also talked about what to do if their is a fire in your house, who to call and how to call, how to check your smoke detectors and told them to always hae flashlights handy. Afterwards he gave each of the girls some stickers to remember to wear their helmets when riding their bikes.

The National Pittsburgh Avairy

Our first field trip this year was to the aviary. The girls loved it. If you would like to learn more about the aviary go to the National Pittsburgh Aviary link at:

Other Ideas for Field Trips

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