Our first Father/Daughter Dinner was a big success!!!
We had spagetti and meatballs, salad, candy corn, coffee, and kool
aid. We also had cake for dessert. The special thing about the cakes is
that each of the father/daughter teams brought in an undecorated cake.
While the moms cleaned up the fathers and daughters decorated their cakes.
Once they were done the moms got to have fun too. The moms came up with
names for each cake. Each father/daughter team recieved a certificate and
got their picture taken with their cake. Once the pictures are developed
each girl will have another memory of the dinner. Below are the titiles of
each of the cakes for each of the teams.
Stacey's Team - Most Tropical Cake
Rebekah's Team - Most Buggy Cake
Jamie's Team - Most Patriotic Cake
Christine's Team - Chocolate Delight Cake
Marriles's Team - Monkey Business Cake
Katie's Team - Atthletic Turkey Award Cake
Stephanie's Team - Girl Scout Fun Cake
Ashley M.'s Team - Thanksgiving Harvest Cake
Courtney's Team - Cooolest Cake
Ashley R.'s Team - Purrrrfectly Decorated Cake
Emily's Team - The Great Outdoors Cake
Mary's Team - The Best Hand Drawn Turkey Face Cake
Brandy's Team - The One the Judges Would Most Like to Taste Cake
Amanda G.'s Team - The Best Use of Color Cake
Danielle's Team - Confetti Fun Cake
Miranda L.'s Team - Sprinkle Sensation Cake
Cassie's Team - Prettiest Cake
Amanda H.'s Team - The Most Groovy Cake
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