Who We Are

Renee is Ashley's mom. I became a leader because my daughter joined and there was not a leader for the troop. I'm glad that I did become a leader because I get to spend some time with Ashley and I enjoy it. My first year of being a Brownie leader was quite an experience. I learned a lot and I really enjoy it. Renee is also Community Coach, Recruiter, Cookie Manager, Community Events Coordinator, and Bridging Coordinator for the Community.

Karen is Jamie's mom. Karen was a Girl Scout when she was younger and was also a leader for her older daughter.

Ina is Mary's mom and she helped out last year when her daughter transferred to our troop.

Liz is Karen's daughter and Jamie's older sister. Liz has volunteered to help out this year. She was aGirl Scout when she was younger.

Jim is Ashley's dad. He is helps out with our field trips and at our meetings when needed.

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