The Cloud Calendar says it is currently:
July 1, 1997 - Since it is very difficult to build castles in the clouds the castle construction crew has finished the
outside of the castle but still have lots to do on the inside! They only have my Nursery (upper left tower) and the
Playground (lower right area) finished right now, please return here again soon to see how the construction
August 5, 1997 - Surprise! the castle builders have finished the Music Room (upper right tower), please go there and enjoy
all the beautiful mousic! (I sure hope they do the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom soon! I have to sleep in Mummy's bed and eat at
ouseDonalds, course Mummy still is changing my diapers,
but taking a bath in the moat can be a problem!)
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Mouse Guest  since 7/1/97 |
 awarded 7/1/97 |