Nursery, Sunday School, & Other
Here are the annoucements you need to read..............
Nursery Schedule for this Week
Morning Service (Dec. 22th) Eric and Tammy Hassler
Evening Service Family Night
Wednesday Night (Dec. 18th) Nursery Donna Roark
Ages 2-5 Tina Vining
Wednesday Night (Dec. 25th) Nursery Lori Poston
Ages 2-5 Tina Vining

Sunday School Breakdown
Ages 2 - 5 (Fellowship Bldg.) Donna Roark
Grades 1 - 5 (Room 1) Linda Crews
Grades 6 - 12 (Room 6) Dan & Jenny Weeks
Ladies' Class (Room 2) Lori Poston
Men's class (Room 5) Richard Crews
Adult (Room 4) Rev. Roy Vining

A ministry that our church provides is a meal to our members who have had hospital stays.
This ministry is carried out through our stand-by teams.
Other Stuff
Teen church: Wednesday nights at 7:00

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