Nehemiah Project
We are having work nights on Wednesday's. There will be no service or
AWANA's. Come out and lend a hand or two. If you would
like to donate to this project, simply mark on your offering
envelope to "Building Fund" or "Nehemiah Project".
Thank you for your support, the progress is going great!

New ceiling goes up.

These two worked hard!

Danny measures some drywall.

Eric nails part of the wall.

John surveys the area.

ML and Bill hang drywall on the ceiling.

Richard works on the cradle for the baptistry.

Mike Paints the nursery.

ML carries cables.

New sanctuary.

New sanctuary.

New sanctuary.

New sanctuary.

Our new nursery.

Our new classroom.

ML gets the beam ready.

Michael cleans gutters.

Richard removes old ducting.

Richard makes some notes.

Roy removes old drywall.

The sanctuary is coming along (17 Aug 02).

Tina puts up a border.

The youth help cut wood.

The youth remove old nails.

Linda paints stencil figures in her classroom.

Donna paints a blue trim in her classroom.
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