A Seaside Walk At Sunset ~ Genesis Seaside Manor
Master Genesis & His Lady Recherche
If it pleases you, Master ~ take my hand and walk with me along the evening
path, to pause and stand together where nature's womb nurtures the earth
and God's magnificence is painted in wondrous hues upon the canvas of the
heavens. There in each other's loving embrace, we'll rejoice and give thanks
to God for the magnitude and plenty of the gifts He's bestowed by uniting
us forever in a love which knows no bounds. Oh, Master ~ how full my heart
is with love for you! It is a force forged by God's own mighty hand ~
indestructible, immeasurably deep ~ and abiding for all eternity. Our souls
have been fused by it's heat ~ and that of God's will ~ and no foe ~ even
Satan himself ~ shall ever defeat it. I hold you in my heart of hearts ~ as
you hold me in yours ~ our lives and spirits are one and ever shall be. I
shall stand by you and walk with you forever ~ whatever God's destiny
for us may hold ~ and not for a moment will I ever leave your side.
Possessing the cherished treasure of your love ~ I fear nothing that the
future may hold ~ for in that love ~ and the miracle and honor of being
allowed to love you in return ~ I am made whole and shielded from any
foe. I love you, my wondrous One ~ now and until the last star falls from
Heaven ~ until then and an eternity beyond. And each day of that eternity,
I shall fall to my knees in gratitude to God for the greatest treasure known
to man ~ the cherished gift of you.
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