Genesis Seaside Manor Rooms With An Ocean View
The Oceanside Sitting Room
Master Genesis & His Adoring Lady Recherche
Page Lovingly Dedicated To My Adored Master Genesis On July 27, 1999
Welcome home, my Beloved Master ~ how wonderful to greet you with softest kisses and a warm embrace, your slippers, a lovely iced wine at the ready, and dinner's aroma wafting in from our kitchen! I have brought in the mail and newspaper for you, and have set up a tray table in the oceanview sittingroom, where I shall make sure your feet ar propped on a lovely leather ottoman so that you can relax after a demanding day, perusing the paper and mail while enjoying your wine and appetizer of stuffed mushrooms as you gaze out upon the sea. As soon as I finish checking on your dinner of slowcooked potroast, boiled new potatoes, tossed salad, and crescent dinner rolls with sweet butter, I shall join you in the sitting room and give you a wondrous back and neck massage as we both drink in the majesty of sight and sound afforded us by God's wondrous gift of the sea. Until then, Master, just relax and enjoy the serenity and love that fills our home and our lives ~ and will continue to do so for all eternity. I love you, Master ~ more dearly than life itself ~ and I shall beyond the end of time. Click Doors Below To Tour More Of Seaside Manor's Oceanview Rooms Click "Enter" Below To View Lady Recherche's Site Content Page Click "E-Mail" Below To Share Your Thoughts And Comments Thanks For Visiting Our Home... Stop By Again Soon!
Welcome home, my Beloved Master ~ how wonderful to greet you with softest
kisses and a warm embrace, your slippers, a lovely iced wine at the ready, and
dinner's aroma wafting in from our kitchen! I have brought in the mail and
newspaper for you, and have set up a tray table in the oceanview sittingroom,
where I shall make sure your feet ar propped on a lovely leather ottoman so
that you can relax after a demanding day, perusing the paper and mail while
enjoying your wine and appetizer of stuffed mushrooms as you gaze out upon
the sea. As soon as I finish checking on your dinner of slowcooked potroast,
boiled new potatoes, tossed salad, and crescent dinner rolls with sweet butter, I
shall join you in the sitting room and give you a wondrous back and neck massage
as we both drink in the majesty of sight and sound afforded us by God's wondrous
gift of the sea. Until then, Master, just relax and enjoy the serenity and love that
fills our home and our lives ~ and will continue to do so for all eternity. I love
you, Master ~ more dearly than life itself ~ and I shall beyond the end of time.
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