Welcome to Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Hungarian Roman Catholic Church

267 East Smith Street   Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Phone: 732-634-1438      Fax: 732-634-5368       e-mail:olmcwnj@yahoo.com
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This parish now shares its facilities with the
quasi-parish of Our Lady of Korea

Pastor:  Father William J. Smith K.H.S.
(also Pastor of)  St. Anthony of Padua, Port Reading
Pastor Emeritus:  Rev. Vincent C. Cornejo
co-Coordinators of Religious Education:  Carla Johnson / Imre (Jim) Herczeg Jr.
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist:  Margaret Kopelock
Parish Trustees:  Jack Lilly  / William Dudash (deceased)  
Parish Background Co-ordinator:  Imre Herczeg Jr. 

Mass Schedules
Saturday 5:30 PM   ~   Sunday 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM (English)  
(8:30 AM Mass - first & second readings & singing is in Hungarian)

Holy Days 8:00 AM and 7:30 PM   ~   First Fridays 8:00 AM

Weekdays 8:00 AM

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Every Saturday before 5:30 PM Mass

Sunday 1:00 PM   ~   Contact the rectory for arrangements/instructions

Contact the rectory for arrangements   ~   at least 1 year in advance

Fr. Vincent C. Cornejo has retired
from his post as pastor June 16, 2004

God guide and protect him on all his future journeys!

Parish Council

Officer:    Telephone #
President:  Imre (Jim) Herczeg Jr. 732-424-6081
Vice President:     Allan Cuyugan 732-750-3748 or 609-452-3681
     and Kathleen 'Tootsie' Simeone 732-634-9285
Secretary:  Jean Ovsiew 732-868-6924
COMMITTEE:  Chairmen Telephone #
Liturgy:  Dave Ruszkai 732-634-5291
Finance:  Imre Herczeg Sr. 732-636-3688
The Society of the Holy Mother:  Betty Szilvaney 732-634-5635
     and Anna Czum 732-634-3439
Social Welfare:  Lucille Barsi 732-726-1746
Public Relations:  Jean Ovsiew 732-868-6924
Building & Grounds:  Glen Poos 732-636-4283
Youth Ministry:  TBA  

Next Full Parish Council - April 29 - 7:30 PM

Holy Name Society
Meetings - 2nd Sunday of March, April, June, November & December following the 8:30 AM Mass

President:  Imre Herczeg Jr.
1st Vice President:  Arthur Wright III
2nd Vice President:  Gary Poos
Secretary:  Gary Poos
Treasurer:  David Ruszkai
Chaplain:  Glen Poos
Sargeant at arms:  Charles Volk
Spiritual Director: Fr. William Smith   TBA

Congratulations to
Fr. Jonathan David Ceslaus Kalisch, O.P.

Father Jonathan has been assigned to St. Mary's Priory
 in New Haven, CT;
where he will assist at the parish and become Catholic chaplain
to Quinnipiac University in nearby Hamden, CT.

God Bless his Service!

To Praise ~ To Bless ~ To Preach
Laudare ~ Benedicere ~ Praedicere


 The Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies - (most current)

HNS - Calendar of Events

April 4, 2009  Spring Kolbász Sale
April 23, 2009  County Federation Spiritual Directors' Banquet
Sacred Heart Parish, South Amboy
May 17, 2009  Atlantic City  Bus Trip - Trump Plaza
July 16 - Feast Day  TBD
August 23 (tentative), 2009  Atlantic City  Bus Trip - Trump Plaza
September 11-13, 2009  San Alfonso Retreat Weekend (Long Branch NJ)
October 4, 2009 (2:00-3:30 PM) Life Chain - 2009 / location TBA
October 18, 2009  Atlantic City  Bus Trip - Trump Plaza
December 12, 2009  Winter Kolbász Sale
January 22, 2010  AM  37th Annual March for Life, (Washington DC)

Middlesex County Federation HNS - Nocturnal Adoration

April 3, 2009  11:00 PM
May 1, 2009  Midnight
June 5, 2009  9:00 PM
July 3, 2009  10:00 PM

Holy Trinity, 474 Penn St., Perth Amboy, NJ
Map (courtesy 'MassTimes'): Click here
Website: http://www.diometuchen.org/holytrinity/IN DEX.HTM

Rosary Society
President:  Maria Herczeg
Vice President/Treasurer:  Anna Czum
Secretary:  Anna Czum
Spiritual Director:  TBA

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)
Religious Education
Coordinators of Religious Education:  Carla Johnson / Imre (Jim) Herczeg Jr.

Confirmation occurs every 2 years, and is anticipated in the Fall of 2008!
We are always interested in individuals who

wish to offer their service to the Great Commission
through becoming a CCD teacher!

The rewards are Eternal!

Please contact Carla Johnson or Jim Herczeg
 if you have such an interest!

CCD classes every Tuesday   ~   6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Contact the rectory for information / registration
You can also call Carla Johnson (732-634-6850)

 8th Grade Gospel Reflection Guide

8th Grade Test - SHORT ESSAY Answers

  1. What is the central mystery of the Trinity? Name the 3 persons.
    The central mystery of Blessed Trinity is that in one God there are three Divine Persons. The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit
  2. Why did God make people?
    God made man to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him for ever in heaven.
  3. Who is Jesus?
    The Jesus is the second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Our Savior, Messiah, Redeemer and Lord, the incarnate Word of God.
  4. Who is the Holy Spirit?
    The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Blessed Trinity. The Consoler.
  5. What does it mean to be a Catholic?
    Profess and witness to the creed (Apostles/Nicene), obey the precepts (laws) of the Church, live a life founded on the pillars of Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and the Teaching Magisterium
  6. What is the Church�s mission?
    The traditional understanding of the church's mission is to (1) proclamation the gospel and (2) celebrate the sacraments, and (3) witnessing to the gospel and (4) service to all in need.
  7. What is the Paschal Mystery?
    The Paschal Mystery refers to the suffering (passion), death, Resurrection, and Glorification (Ascension) of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated in the Mass/Eucharist
  8. What is Confirmation?
    Confirmation is a Sacrament through which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.
  9. What happens to the bread and wine offered at Mass?
    Transubstantiation - The substance of the bread and wine is changed into the substance of the body and blood of Christ by His almighty power.
  10. Why does the Church honor Mary?
    The Blessed Virgin Mary is truly the Mother of God and the greatest of all the saints.

CCD - Preliminary Calendar of Events - 2008/2009

September 16, 2008  Start of the School Year - (parents meeting 7:00 PM)
(***Sun***) September 21, 2008  Start of the School Year - Catechetical Sunday
(Commissioning of Catechists) 10 AM Mass
September 23, 2008  CCD Class
September 30, 2008  CCD Class - 7th & 8th Grade Service Hours begin
(***Sun***) October 5, 2008 
(2:00 PM - 3:30 PM)
Life Chain 2008 / Amboy Ave Perth Amboy
from Myrtle Street to Eagle Ave
October 7, 2008  CCD Class
Gertrude Hawk Chocolates
October 14, 2008  CCD Class
October 21, 2008  CCD Class
Saints preparation
October 28, 2007  CCD Class
All Saints Parade(Hall)
Candy sheets due
November 4, 2008  No CCD - Election Day
November 11, 2008  CCD Class
(***Sat***) November 22, 2008  Catechetical Congress
(St. John Neumann Center teachers only)
November 18, 2008  CCD Class
PLAY PRACTICE 7:30 - 8:00
November 25, 2008  CCD class
Food Drive collection
Thanksgiving Prayer Service
(please bring canned items for food bank)
December 2, 2008  CCD Class
PLAY PRACTICE 7:30 - 8:00
December 9, 2008  CCD Class
PLAY PRACTICE 7:30 - 8:00
December 16, 2008  CCD Class
PLAY PRACTICE 7:30 - 8:00
(***Sat***) December 20, 2008  Saturday
(***Wed***) December 24, 2008  Children's Christmas Play(4:45 PM - before Mass)
December 25, 2008 - January 5, 2009  NO CCD classes (Christmas week break)
January 6, 2009  CCD classes resume
Mid-Term review sheets given out
January 13, 2009  CCD Class
January 20, 2009  CCD class
Report Cards given out
(please sign and return)
January 27, 2009  CCD Class
February 3, 2009  CCD Class
February 10, 2009  CCD Class
February 17, 2009  CCD Class
February 24, 2009  CCD Class
(***Wed***) February 25, 2009  Ash Wednesday
March 3, 2009  CCD Class
March 10, 2009  CCD Class
March 17, 2009  CCD Class
March 24, 2009  CCD Class
March 31, 2009  CCD Class
Sign Up for May Crowning
(***Sun***) April 5, 2009  Palm Sunday
April 7, 2009  CCD Class
Passover Haggadah (Grades 5 and up)
(***Sun***) April 12, 2009  Easter Sunday
April 14, 2009  No CCD
(***Sun***) Aptil 19, 2009  Divine Mercy Sunday
April 21, 2009  CCD Classes
Final Exam review sheets given out
April 28, 2009 
CCD Classes
Review for Final Exam
(***Sun***) May 3, 2009 
all participants report at 9:45 a.m.
May 5, 2009 
CCD Classes - Final Testing 
May 12, 2009 
FINAL CLASS - Pizza Party

The Our Lady of Mount Carmel CCD has won
(for the 8th consecutive year - 1st or 2nd Place)
This past year...
Second Place
*** Diocesan-wide ***
in fundraising for the Holy Childhood Association

Korean Cultural Community
www.woodbridgekcc.org (inactive)

Holy Family Prayer Community
Ray and Cherie Gumapac
http://www.holyfamilypg.org/ (inactive)

Bingo ($1,000.00)
Every Friday   ~   Games start at 7:30 PM   ~   Doors open at 5:00 PM (refreshments available)
No Smoking!

Map / Directions

Traveling North on Route 35 (Convery Blvd merged into Amboy Avenue),
once you pass over the NJ Turnpike(Interstate 95) bridge,
make a right at the first light (Albert Street),
then make a left (E. Smith Street), the church will be 100 yards on your left.

Traveling South on Route 35 (Amboy Avenue),
once you pass the intersection with Main Street(County Road 514),
make a left at the second light (Albert Street),
then make another left (E. Smith Street)), the church will be 100 yards on your left.

Brief History
On October 10, 1920, Bishop Walsh established Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church to serve the needs of Hungarian speaking residents of Woodbridge, and in May, 1921 land was purchased on Amboy Avenue, and the dedication of the original church was held on August 7, 1921. During its first years the parish was under the administration of Rev. Bela Smoliga., pastor of Our Lady of Hungary in Perth Amboy. Fr. Hugolin Feisz O.F.M. served as the first pastor from 1927-30. The thirty year tenure of Rev. Vincent Lenyi saw the greatest expansion of the parish. An army barracks was purchased and renovated into a parish hall 1935; the rectory was built in 1936; and in 1957 a home was purchased to serve as a convent. Groundbreaking for the present church took place in 1959, and Bishop George Ahr dedicated the church on June 25, 1960. The old church was converted into a school, which opened in 1961. The Daughters of Divine Charity served the school from its opening until their withdrawal in 1970. Rev. Michael Vincze was installed as pastor on August 28, 1964 and served until 1992. The parish celebrated its 75th anniversary in 1996 during the pastorate of Rev .Vincent Cornejo. Upon his retirement in 2004, the parish was partnered with Our Lady of Peace in Fords, with Msgr. Robert J. Zamorski serving as pastor, and Fr. Jerome K.Kim as Parochial Vicar. The parish now serves a diverse Hungarian, Filipino and Korean congregation. Over the years, the parish has hosted many notable Hungarian visitors, including Prince Otto of Hungary in 1940, Jozsef Cardinal Mindzenty in 1974, and Ladislaus Cardinal Paskai, Archbishop of Esztergom and Primate of Hungary in 1989. In January 2006, Rev. Albert Sunho Kwon was appointed as Parish Administrator, and has recently returned to the Pusan Diocese. Effective October 2007, Father William Smith is now the pastor of the parish, and the newly formed quasi-parish of Our Lady of Korea shares the facilities of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.


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 The Ultimate Pro-life Resource List
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Main location (Most current):  GeoCities(olmcwnj)
Alternate (Most current):  GeoCities(other)

Last Date Updated : April 21, 2009
Forward all questions/problems to olmcwnj@yahoo.com