Welcome to Larry Marple's Home Page!

Greetings!  Welcome to my explorations into the world of web pages.  I am a Christian who is an avid collector, researcher, and reenactor of the American Civil War.  I have been interested (even obsessed) with the Civil War since my parents first took me to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania when I was 5 years old.
My very first relic was a .58 caliber minie ball (bullet) from the Gettysburg Battlefield.  Since that time I have enjoyed collecting, researching, and reenacting. 

One of my finds.
Private Harvey Myers,
Co. C,
19th Ohio
Volunteer Infantry
Served 1861 through 1865

My very first relic.
.58 Caliber Minie Ball
Gettysburg, PA

In my Civil War reenacting, I have three different portayals I work with and use.  The first is a Union private in the 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Western Theater).  The second is a Paymaster (Staff Major) of the United States Army.  The third is a private in the Confederacy.  These three totally different portayals give me a chance to experience a tiny bit of what it was like.  There is no way we can (or should) reenact the way the War really was.  (I can't imagine wanting to be infested with body lice, having some form of dysentery, wanting to be shot at, etc.)!?  I reenact as a way of honoring the memory of our ancestors, "touching" the past, and time traveling.  I know for those who have seen reenactors running here and there in wool uniforms in hot weather - that doesn't sound like something "fun," but there is something amazing in the thought that you are doing something you enjoy doing.  There have been instances at reenactments where I could have sworn I was back in the 1860's.  These "time bubbles" are incredible.  If you have never been to or participated in a quality reenactment - you should try it.  I am not referring to the "mega-events" - especially Gettysburg.  Many of these events have too many people who are interested in "playing cowboy" and not reenacting.  Check out the links for lists of reenactments.  (Let me add a note that I do not glorify war.  There is some glory in the parades, etc. before the shooting starts and there may be a tiny bit after, but I pray for the day spoken of in Isaiah 2:4 ". . . They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.  Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore."  Until that day, I plan to study our history and honor the memory and sacrifice of those who suffered through that time.  Hopefully, in some small way, when I reenact, I am helping others to remember and honor our ancestors as well). 



The Vineyard Christian Fellowship (Dayton, OH)
49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Major Henrick's Paymaster Page
Ohio in the Civil War
Camp Chase Gazette
The Funny Farm
Civil War Reenactors Home Page
Gettysburg Battlefield Tour
American Civil War Research Database
The Civil War Page
Take a picture of yourself through the computer
Civil War Sources
Wisonsin's Veterans Museum
Civil War Pension Records
Gunsight Antiques (Civil War)
Marple Township, Pennsylvania

The Marple Family in the American Civil War

My first book "14 Months in the Union Artillery - the Diary of Private Wallace Byrd - 16th Ohio Battery"

Mr. Marple's School Page

Mr. Marple's Ellis Island Simulation Page

If you have any links you would like me to add, a suggestion for improving the site, etc.  Please e-mail me.

The site last updated:  August 18, 2000

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