Tom Shoaff’s Very Unexciting Web Page



General Info on Driving to Elburn from Fort Wayne


Below I have TWO sets of directions for getting from Fort Wayne to Elburn.


The Expressway Route uses I-80/94 (mostly) in Indiana, and I-80/294 in Illinois.  These roads are under major construction until 2009.  However, they seem to be in a non-stop state of repair.  You can experience multi-mile backups almost ANY time, but mostly during rush hours.  Also, you must pay four 80-cent tolls on this route (toll plazas can be backed up too).  Under IDEAL conditions, this route may be 30 minutes or so faster than the Easy Route.


The Easy Route uses US-30 well into Illinois and seems to be immune to these major traffic problems.  Also, there are no tolls on this route.  On the down side, there are many more traffic lights on this route, and you go through some so-so neighborhoods in Illinois just past the state line (Ford Heights and Chicago Heights).


AM 780 (WBBM) usually provides traffic information if you are considering using the Expressway Route.  If in doubt, use the Easy Route.


Directions in Adobe PDF Format:


Fort Wayne to Elburn and Back – Easy Route (avoids often congested expressways)


Fort Wayne to Elburn and Back – Expressway Route (faster when traffic is light)


Fort Wayne to Chicago Midway Airport (hey, you never know when you might need it)