KCNA Organization

The headquarters for KONKO CHURCHES OF NORTH AMERICA, a non-profit corporation duly organized and existing under the law of the State of California, in San Francisco, California, and the members thereof shall be Konko Churches located in the continental United States of America and in Canada, who are affiliated and recognized by the General Headquarters of Konkokyo in Japan.


The KCNA organization consists of the following system:

KCNA Administrative Office (Headquarters)
Ministry Board of Review
House of Delegates
Division and Committees

Faith Training Division
Research Information Center
Publication Committee
Finance Committee
Establishment Committee
Ordainment Committee
Conflict Resolution Committee
Youth Program Committee


Chief Administrative Minister (CAM)
(Rev. Yomisu Oya)

The Administrative Office is headed by the Chief Administrative Minister who is appointed to a renewable four-year term by the Kyoshu (Spiritual Head) with the approval of the Chief Executive Director of the General Headquarters of Konkokyo in Japan upon the recommendation of the Ministry Board of Review.  He bears responsibility for the overall administration of Konko Churches of North America.

The current Chief Administrative Minister is Rev. Yomisu Oya, born in Mie, Japan. While attending Portland State University in 1977 he was introduced by friends to the Konko Church in Portland (Oregon).  He started his Konko studies and was ordained as a Konko Minister in 1984.  He served at the Konko Headquarters from 1984 to 1987. Following that, he served at the Konko Church of Portland from 1987 to 1992, and then became the Head Minister of the Konko Church in Sacramento (California) in 1992, where he still serves in that position. He was elected to be the C.A.M. in 2000. His wife is the Rev. Hideko Oya, and they have two daughters and one son; Yoshie 20, Chika 19 and Shin 16.


KCNA Schedule

KCNA Calendar

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Churches / Propagation Halls

In North America, there is the Konko Churches of
North America (based in San Francisco),
an organization of eleven churches and two
propagation halls in the
U.S. Mainland and Canada.

Konko Church of Seattle

Konko Church of Fresno

Konko Church of Los Angeles

Konko Church of San Diego

Konko Church of San Francisco

Konko Church of Toronto

Konko Church of Portland

Konko Church of Vancouver

Konko Church of Sacramento

Konko Church of Whittier Rose Hills

Konko Church of San Jose

Propagation Hall in Chicago

Konko Church of Gardena



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E-mail: kcna@aol.com or nuzunoe@worldnet.att.net