kay gagnon - 10/12/00 15:34:34
My Email:kayg89@kvinet.com
How did you find this site?: friend
What did you like?: everything
Leah Robbins - 07/17/00 16:54:19
My Email:lrobbins@renaissance.ca
How did you find this site?: Sent to me
What did you like?: great catalogue of crafts and photos
An excellent way to start up a business.
Jim Uroda - 02/29/00 18:01:06
My Email:JimU@brazoria.net
How did you find this site?: SS listserver email
What did you like?: Good info
I may be looking to buy some shellac in the future as I am building some mountain dulcimers. Looking to enhance the beauty of the finish.
Dennis Brown - 02/29/00 14:33:15
My Email:FattBoi7777@aol.com
How did you find this site?: ad in fine wood working
Soren Berger - 11/06/99 10:54:52
My Email:berger@ihug.co.nz
How did you find this site?: news group
Rami & Debbie - 11/03/99 00:10:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/RoyColeen/index.html
My Email:roycoleen@webtv.net
How did you find this site?: Looking through the web ring
What did you like?: I liked your whole web site.
What didn't you like?: I didn't like the breakfast this morning.
Your crafts are beautiful, and displayed in an attrictive manner. I really liked the way your site is put together, It is easy to find our way from one thing to the next.
SARTORI4 - 10/21/99 01:48:17
Digger - 10/18/99 20:43:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/9903
How did you find this site?: woodworking web ring
What did you like?: craft pictures