Home Sweet Home
My family is a large one here, kind of like the Brady bunch....but definitely not acting like them :)!
I have 6 kids, 4 mine, 2 his, we've been married three years January 6th 2004!
Blending families is a difficult process, believe me.  But it's worth it!  We've had some hard times with the kids, and then we have the great times!
Here is the family!
Dad loves to build with iron!  The more creative he can be, the happier he is.  It's what he does for a living and he loves it! Although last year or so he's been more in the business side of things so isn't doing just what he would love to do.  He is also the best guitar player I've ever known, and can write some beautiful stuff!  Can you tell he is loved? :)
Anyway, I'm the computer nut here, loving to build them as well as play with them.  I'm not into the gaming part of computers, (that's my husbands job) but any new utility that I can mess with ends up on here.  I'm the type that has no problem reformatting the hard drive and starting over completely if something goes wrong....which it has, several times :)  Guess that's why I am a staunch supporter of backing up your files frequently!
My small town doesn't have too many women my age who are Christian that I could hang out with....so I come in online.
Ok, enough of the adults...here are the kids!
The oldest is now 18 and has been with her mother for the last couple of years.  She is amazing I think!  She is the typical teenager, phone calls, girlfriends, boyfriends, school, movies, music.....everything a typical teen does, I think she has done, or it could just be my point of view here being new to the teen life...:)  She's a good kid, raised well!
The next one is my oldest who is now 13 and my full blown introduction to the teen world.  Boy is she a handful!  If I had only one word to describe this one, it would be Intelligent!  She can figure out just about anything she sets her mind to...when little, that included the child proofed items of safety! :)  She's a leader, and a good one....thinks of others before herself, but demands that her rules be followed....now yes, that can be a problem, but I look to the future when she is an adult, what she could do with these skills....Told you she's a handful!
My 11yr old is almost the exact opposite of my 13yr old.  While the 13yr old is an extrovert, my 11yr old is an introvert....she keeps to herself mainly, is quiet and assured....she's into the fashion world, especially hair.  She would seem to be the future popular teen that you see surrounded by friends.  That's what I've seen when I watch her at the playground...everyone just gravitates to her.  She says she wants to be a vet when she grows up, and loves animals.
Next up is my 9yr old....I have 2 in third grade, mine being a bit older than his and totally opposite!  She is my dancer!  You put any music on, and you will see this one in the middle of the floor dancing away.  With time I believe that she will be good at it.  She has that natural rhythm to her.  She loves pretty things, and barbie.  Anything barbie and she goes nuts....she's also my artist...really good with pencil, pen, crayons, markers, you name it she does it!
My next one is my 8yr old stepdaughter, and she is great!  Her likes are dolls, dresses, clothes...she loves to read, and does very well on it. She's at the top of her class in reading.  She is daddy's little girl all the way, and good at it! :)
My youngest, not last, is my 6yr old, and the only boy here! He loves it for the most part....all girls around him, he is spoiled rotten! Intelligent, cute! big blue eyes, and long, long lashes!  The heartbreaker of the group!
Of course, he's my baby too, and I love him!

Well, that is the family, inside this house....we have another boy that my husband has raised as his own from age 2 I think who is 12 now and definitely a handful like my 13yr old.  He lives with his mother. 
I hope you enjoyed our introductions, for the future I may be able to post some pics! 
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My Info:
Name: Lyn
Email: Randolphs_mom@yahoo.com