Personal details|| Contact details|| Education details|| Computer Qualifications
Computer Skills|| Projects Done

Anand Personal Details

Name N. Karpaga Kumar (A)
N. Anand.
Date Of Birth 13-12-1976
Age 23
Marital Status Single
Nationality Indian

Contact Details

Postal Address H-32/2/4, Panch Kamal CHS,
Sector-29, Vashi,
Navi Mumbai.
India. Pin : 400 706.
Phone (022) 765 5555

Educational Details

Degree/Diploma Board/University Year of Passing Percentage
B.COM. M.S.S. Wakf Board College, Madurai
Kamraj University, Madurai.
1997 58.66
H.S.C Vivekananda Hr. Secondary School, Madurai. 1994 77.66
S.S.C Sourashtra Hr. Secondary School, Madurai. 1992 56

Computer Qualification

Diploma Institute Period Percentage
Advanced Certificate in
PC Applications
(3 months)
Honours Diploma in
Network-Centered Computing
(3 months)
Advanced Diploma in
Network-Centered Computing
(3 months)
Professional Diploma in
Network-Centered Computing
(3 months)


Computer Knowledge

Operating Systems  : SCO UNIX SVR 3.2, DOS, 
                   Novell Netware v3.11, WINDOWS 98,
                   WINDOWS NT v4.0.
Languages         : C++.
GUI              : VC++(SDK,MFC,ODBC), Visual Basic v5.0 .
RDBMS	         : Sybase System 10, MS SQL Server.
Web Designing	 : HTML, VJ++.
Accounting Package : E.X. Next Generation
Office Automation  : Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word,
                   Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel.

Projects Done

Stock Maintenance System :

Client	      : Mecwel Movers Pvt. Ltd.  Thane. & NIIT. 
Environment     :	Visual Basic 5.0, MS Access & MS SQL Server
Team size      :	2

Description: The project deals with the computerization of the Stock Maintenance System. This package was developed to help them in maintaining the Stock details, Updation of Stocks, Maintaining details of Customer, Supplier, Order details and Transactions. This package will allow the user to add, modify and delete under some restrictions. Fully Security is provided. Many companies can use it the same Software. This system generates the Every Number automatically to maintain the uniqueness. Reports like Log Report, Invoice, Customer Outstanding, Stock Available Report, Pending Report etc.,

Share Accounting System :

Client	      : NIIT, Mumbai.
Environment     :	SCO UNIX SVR 3.2, C++, Sybase System 10
Team size      :	2

Description: This package was developed to add, modify and to maintain the records of its share holder. Folio Number,Certificate Number and Share Number will Generates automatically to maintain the uniqueness. Shares are divided in to four Category. They are Resident, Non-Resident, Domestic, Foreign Companies. Generates various reports like Category wise Allotment list, Category wise Maximum Allotee List, Date Wise Allotment List, and Share Certificate.

Inventory Control System

Client	      : NIIT, Mumbai.
Environment     :	VC++(MFC), MS Access
Team size      :	2

Description: The project deals with the computerization of the inventory control system. The software has facilities to create, remove and modify the supplier records. The main objective of this project is to provide facilities to do various functions such as orders receiving, executing and dispatching the orders. Supplier Number, Item Number, Order Number, Issue Number, Transaction Number, and Department Number are Generated automatically to maintain the uniqueness. It records transactions of various items on daily basis. Maintains item, supplier, sales and order details. Generates various reports like stock availability report for easy management.

Invoicing System :

Client 	      : NIIT, Mumbai.
Environment     :	MS Access
Team size      :	2

Description: The project deals with the computerization of the Invoicing system. The main objective of this project is to provide facilities to do Maintaining customer details, orders, item, and generating Invoice. This project keeps an track of items such as Re-orderlevel, Re-order quanitity, and Quantity on Hand. Generates various reports like Invoice, Daily Invoice report for the management.

Sites Developed :
