Welcome to Troop #745 's page!

Daisy Laury

Laury, age 6, in Daisy uniform, at our bridging.

We live near Flint, Michigan, in Fair Winds Girl Scout Council.
We are now Brownie Troop #745. Last year we were Daisies. We had a lot of fun, learned some neat things, and then bridged to Brownies in June, 1999.
Here are some of the things we did in 1998-1999:
(left click on the pictures to get a better view)

Daisies & books

We bought books to donate to Hamady Elementary school for one of our Service Projects.

Troops #745 & #256 collect trash

We picked up trash in the school yard and parking lot, along with Troop #256 Cadettes and Brownie.

Look at what our Daisy troop did!

Patches we earned as Daisies!

Thanks Bev!

Girl Scout/Guide friends!
mailto: MiTrefoil@aol.com

SpiffySoft & BL 1999