*~Miki Kaoru~*

Miki Kaoru is a 13 year old seventh grade student at Ohtori Academy.
Miki is an excellent fencer - he fences often with Juri and is an important member of the Ohtori Fencing Club. He also fences at a national level, and the only people with skill enough to defeat him are Juri, Touga (probably, just cause he's cute), and Utena. Then again, Utena had the power of Dios fighting for her, and Miki had some nasty distractions during his duels, so I'm going to give him a few extra points.
He is an excellent piano player, and sometimes he plays the piano in the Music Hall late into the night. While some of his songs are hauntingly beautiful, only one song means anything to him, and that's Hikari Sasu Niwa (the Sunlit Garden).

With musical skills usually comes intelligence, and Miki has quite enough of that to go around. He studies at a college level, and is helpful tutoring others (esp. Anthy! ^_~) when they need help.

I'm only going to mention the stopwatch here because most people think Miki = that stopwatch kid, when he's really not. Sure, the stopwatch is a little odd, but it's such a minor part of what makes him up. Oh, and this mystery is never quite explained -- but a few neat ideas can be found here (by the way, his webpage is well worth a look around at).

And for a few last notes... his name translates to roughly Fragrant Stem, which makes a nice coupling with his mention in This is Animation -- Idealism. Miki, being one of the youngest of the Student Council, is often looked at as the "little boy" or the innocent one of the bunch. His crush on Anthy is known to be little more than puppy love, and his whole character says nothing but innocence. So being the young, idealistic one we can relate to him easily as a fragrant little flower just beginning to grow and shine.
His birthday is May 28, making him and his sister Geminis -- how appropriate. Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury, or Hermes (Greek), and makes for a talkative and diverse personality. Also, intelligence goes hand in hand with this sign, so everything comes together quite nicely :)

Miki's blood type is O, and in Japanese culture they use blood types as we do zodiac signs. So here we go: Type O's are typically very authoritative and intuitive, taking charge. They are also very level headed and, while not always doing the standard things expected, get the job done and done nicely.
