*~ Shoujo Kakumei Utena Links ~*
These are the best Utena sites out there (in my humble opinion, anyway ^_^)

Most comprehensive site out there, much like Hitoshi Doi's Sailor Moon site. Except Utena. It's my starting place for all things Utena.

Long but excellent site on Utena, and it's made me laugh hard enough to fall off of my chair. Which I definitely did a few times. And their Special Pictures page is worth a visit :)

I've fallen in love with this site twenty times over. A truly great site with a very in-depth look at Juri Arisugawa, who scores points for being one of Miki's closet co-horts ^_^

Another in-depth shrine, this time to Nanami. Special kudos to the webmistress here, as she actually made me think of Nanami as more than a brat. Momentarily, anyway.

Another Miki site! Yay! .... no fair, I'm jealous ^_^ But very nice site with alot of outside information pertaining to Miki and SKU.

Here then to the Utena page, Rose is Rain. This is where I got the inspiration for the layout and feel for La rose.

Mmm... tasty... Nothing to brighten your day like a Touga shrine! =D Another one of those sugoi in-depth character sites. On Touga!! Touga!
*melts into a little puddle on the floor* *shoos away her cats who try to lap her up* This is such a cool site. Like you have *no* idea. It's dedicated to Touga, Saionji, Mikage and Akio. Oh, and this one's not for the kiddies (like anything in Utena is).
And I believe that's it. If you have a neat Utena site, please send me the address so we can swap links :)