"Love all.  Trust Few.  Do wrong to none."

 I am 21 woohoo legally a adult.. though my hubby tells me I may be Physically a adult but mentally I am still a child.. well all I have to say to that is *raspberry* BRAT! *laughing*

I enjoy scary movies like The Haunting and House on Haunted hill...I love taking long bubble baths and swimming.. I sometimes think I was meant to be a fish since I love water so much... I love spending time with my friends and family.. Some of my fondest memories are of just sitting around with one of my friends talking.. You dont even need to be doing anything just knowing they are there for you is enough.. :)

Well to know me isn't just to know what i like but what i dislike.. I cant stand watching people hurting others.. and it almost always seem silly what you did it over after its done so why start it in the first place? 


Any one who could hurt a child in any way to me isn't a persons i would even want to be in the same room with.. i mean how can you look at a Childs innocent face and still molest, hit or curse at them? In my minds these are the monsters that children are afraid are under their beds at night...


 I never could understand how anyone can say they hate someone the never met.. for race, religion or sex... how can you really say you dislike them if you never sat down and talked to them for a few mins?


 I never have understood men... but *laughs* what woman does?

"Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world." (Oscar Wilde) 


Some of my fav songs at the moment.. This changes often.. depending on how i feel :)

 Toni Braxton - He Wasn't Man Enough

Chris Isaak - Wicked Games

Lifehouse - hanging by a moment

Don Henley - The Last Worthless Evening

Conway Twitty - Don't Cry Joni

Rupert Holmes - The Pina Colada Song (Escape)

Kid Rock - Only God Knows Why

Samantha - Gotta Tell You

Melanie C - If The Were Me

lenny Kravitz - Again

Big Runga - Sway

Matchbox 20 - If you are gone

Lisa Loeb - Do you sleep


You can almost always catch me singing something..... the song i sing the most is 

Tori Amos - Silent all these years


My Friends 

To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another
- Gottfried Wilhem Von Leibniz




Martin ~ My love my companion my best friend I love you for all that you are and try to be. With every day may our love grow stronger as we in turn grow older and wiser together. Hopefully not ticking each other off to much along the way.. lol




Tiffany ~ You have been my friend since kindergarten and we have gotten in to a lot of trouble since then... did your mom ever find out about the car? *S* I am so glad you have found the love of your life who treats you the way you should be




Polly (My Cyber Sister) ~ I can talk to you about anything with out fearing you to judge me and that is a powerful bond. thank you for always being there for me.. and i still dont think your old :P

Click Here to Visit Polly




Nick (My Cyber Brother) ~ Even with as busy as you are you still find time to help me when I need it and i always enjoy our chats... I feel that we connect much more like brother and sister then just merely friends.. Thank you for every thing.. 

Click here to Visit Nick




Petra ~ You always have time to lend a helping hand and always have a thoughtful insight to share with a joke or 2... thank you for being a wonderful friend..  :)

Click Here to Visit Petra


I got this gift from Petra... I thought it was tooooooo cute not to display... dont guess I will ever live down my soup moment! haha


If I could take your troubles
I would toss them into the sea,
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me.
I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I know best,
A friend that is always there.
-Khahlil Gibran "A True Friend"


Hugs Love and Friendship to you all!!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." (Abraham Lincoln) 

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.
- - - - János Arany


My hubby and me 

I met my Hubby over the internet in the summer of 97 he flew over in the fall for what was to be a 2 week visit.. some how that return flight ticket never got used :)


"We come to love not by finding a perfect person but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." (Sam Keen, To Love and Be Loved) 



"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." (Edgar Allen Poe) 

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." (Edgar Allen Poe)