We Are The Angels |
A Page for Insight to Protect and to Begin the Healing of Our Children and Other Victims |
Our children are so precious.... They are the mirror of who we are... They are the gift we recieve from him, up above... When they whimper, we comfort them... When they are hungry, we feed them... When they fall, we pick them up... When they cry, we wipe their tears... When they smile, we smile back... When they laugh, we laugh harder... When they try, we encourage... When they succeed, we praise... We are the Angels that God has sent to care for them. |
Daisymae |
I did not add fail to my writings because children do not fail... I believe that if we, as parents, adults, do not do our best to protect our little gifts of life... then we failed... We can find ways to help prevent abuse of our children... Sometimes, we tried our best, and still..... There is help out there...... to prevent, or to heal.
A preventive measure parents can take is finding out who is in your neigborhood! Michigan has this great site which offers the "PSOR", Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry. You can check the registry two different ways, type in a name, if you suspect someone, or, type in your zip code! I feel this gives us a tool to help prevent possible abuse of our children. If you are planning on moving in a certain area, or just knowing the area our children are playing at. If you click on the Michigan.Gov sign above, this will take you right to the Michigan Sex Offender Registry. Please, after viewing the site, and you find that someone is on the list, and you know they do not have the correct address ... please... inform the proper authorities ... it may protect a child. |
Another way we can help protect our children, knowledge of drugs, signs of abuse of them, and protection from other drug abusers and dealers. I came accross this site through the Michigan.Gov site... I was amazed of the information out there just in our area alone!!! Like the old saying goes..... Knowledge is power. This is another wonderful tool that should be utilized. Children are so innocent, this is why they are so easiley inticed by others, especially "friends" they trust. From what I understand, it is not when they reach the junior high, or high school.... it begins much earlier. Use the tool... Learn the signs... Learn what it looks like... Learn who your childrens friends are... Don't be afraid to step up to the plate! |
For the healing... again, our Michigan government has come through . The first step of healing, is to tell (this is what we teach our children); I can say this, from my own experiences. Please, if you suspect, or know of any situation that is not only having a child in danger, but any victim... click on the Michigan seal above. There are many area's of help to reach out to. Think of it this way... even if it is a family member or friend that you have to turn in, if you stay silent... who are you really betraying? If you are the victim... seek help, it's out there! |
An awsome site which is very well known, National Center For Missing and Exploited Children. This is a great place to go for anyone in the world! They do not only search out for abducted children, but for runaways . There is also a place to turn in individuals that sexually exploit children... a place to help the cause, not only for donations, but other ways, example, putting a link on your homepage! What is neat, you can type in your area and view the children within that area that are missing. If we become more aware, how many will be saved? |