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The City of Owosso, Michigan
My Home Town
Click to view our castle tour
Curwood Castle
This is a beautiful historic place to visit when you come to my home town.  You are able to tour the inside during certain times.
It was not only built, but truely lived in by James Curwood, an author.  Which has the peaceful setting nested by the Shiawassee River.
Many couples, be it Prom Night... or Wedding Day (I did) will visit here for pictures of themselves.  Some couples have even been known to have their wedding ceremonies done on the Curwood Castle grounds.  I believe for a moment in time, it takes you to a period when people lived in a more enchanted world.... fairies, elves, wizards, and kings, queens, princes, and princesses.                              Please click on the picture of the castle, and take a tour of it and learn the history.  Also, the tour will take you through a tour of more of my home town.
Click to see our players in the light!
This is a site to tour our Owosso Players.  They do wonderful work on stage!  Click on their picture and view their accomplishments past, present, and future!