The Yarmouth Fall Gazette is an abridged copy of the monthly broadsheet circulated to the populace of Yarmouth Fall and the rest of Stark County, Vermont. It hopes to reflect the views and optimism of Yarmouths Fallers, Stark Countys Capital Citizens.

This first monthly web edition will bring you the highlights, and where necessary the lowlights, that have affected us, while we move into the 21st Century.

In this months issue :-

Yarmouth Fall Moved out of state
Satellite Global Positioning Error moves whole town into New York (Full Story Here)

"Molly Stark" the real story of a heroine
What Molly means to us Fallers (Here)

Fall Photo Competition Results
See the winning photo plus some of the runner-ups (Here)

Shop Window / and Classifieds
See what Yarmouth Fall has to offer and pick up a bargain (Here)