The First Six Months.
Alexander..only a couple of hours old. He is in a humidicrib, where he spent 3 days, with only very gentle handling outside and some hugs.
Notice the nappies how huge they seem but they are the smallest available.
The boys in their luxurious accomadations. The equipment was very daunting but on the other hand you knew that everything was closely monitored so in a way it was a comfort as well.
The boys in their luxurious accomadation. The equipment was all a bit daunting but also in a way it was a comfort as we knew that they were extremely closely monitored.
Mum Dad and the boys, James is on the left and Alexander on the right.
Mum was looking pretty sick, little did we know that she was soon to go to intensive care for four and a half days.
Alexander and James (from left) with Proud Dad.
Alexander has his beautiful bonnet on !!! They had to wear bonnets and keep rugged up to keep their body temperature up.
Going home at last. Three and a half weeks old!
Alexander (L) and James.
The initial set up for feeding the boys.