Welcome to my Guestbook!

denise powell - 08/02/00 07:59:52
My Email:MICKDENISEPOWELL@bigpond.com

very, very cute from stephanie & clare!

The Cavanagh's - 03/01/00 05:21:33
My Email:gmcav@tpg.com.au

Hi Camp's! I've finally got around to checking out your site! It's great! I actually feel a touch homesick looking at the scenery! We have seen the boys more recently than the photo ages so add some more! love Melissa,Greg,James and Tom.

Anita, Stephen, Rachel & Brendan Murray - 01/03/00 07:20:10
My Email:amurray@nobbys.net.au

Great web page guys! It was great to have a look at all of your photos. We'd forgotten how beautiful the Tablelands are and will definately be revisiting there for this years Xmas with the kids. Take care!!

Moore's - 12/28/99 00:37:53
My Email:moore@wimmera.com

Very Nice. Nice Cows, nice farm and nice people! Beautiful crissy snaps!

- 12/23/99 22:27:39


Jodi and Steve Hobson - 10/09/99 03:14:52
My Email:sjhobson@bigpond.com.au

Howdy! Fabulous photos of the family, and animals. I thought I was tuned into the Discovery Channel. Nice to see some other familiar faces (ie red and caesar)and to be reminded of how beautiful it is where you live. We'll get around to doing this also, a long as people like 100 photos of cats. Looking forward to more news and seeing the munchkins grow up. Ciao for now.

Damian Mamet - 10/03/99 20:59:56
My Email:damamet@spiderweb.com.au

Excellent job guys! This is a great way to keep in touch, lettings us know what is going on in your very busy lives. The photos have come out very well - and very cute I might add. Looking forward to more updates.

Michele & Rob Taylor - 09/30/99 13:50:55
My Email:dalbyphysio@esprov.com.au


Sam & Adele Camp - 09/25/99 00:21:05
My Email:sacamp@internetnorth.com.au

HOLA! Sam and Adele & Boys & Pets! Thanks very much for sharing your family web, it's fantastic!!! Also thanks for your great idea of IH'ers Club! Kind regards, Ivette Rubio Mexico

sam - 09/19/99 13:22:08

Hello everyone. I have changed to this new type of guestbook as i figure it may be more user friendly. Please sign it . Thank You

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