Sam, Adele, Alexander and James
Welcome you to our
Home on the Web. updated 23 dec 2001
Hello from Alexander (Left) and James.
Yes we are identical.
This is Mum and Dad as well.
Adele and Sam, that is.
Mum is holding Alexander so I guess
Dad is holding James....I think.......
Welcome to our first Home Page.
It is a page for family and friends to catch up with the events in our lives.
Hopefully we will get to update it now and then.......Hopefully we will have events too I suppose, as long as they are good ones.

We live on a beautiful farm in Far North Queensland. The area is a mountainous one with high rainfall and best of all wonderful rainforest, running mountain streams and beautiful views!
Yes we know.... we feel like the luckiest people alive...especially with such wonderful twin boys..
Kids...birth to one month old.
To see our pets
click here.
More of the kids.
Click here.
Christmas 2001 To see our Farm Click Here.
19 September
Photos of
Click Here....
December 2001
Christmas 99.........Click Here
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