EFFIE: Is a Sophomore at Wingate University in NC..   She is an RA this year and she is having a blast!  I am so proud of her that she has the will to know what she wants and go after it.  Eff has had a strong willed and outgoing personality since she was a small child.   She may appear to be tough, but has a very kind heart.   Effie wrote in a first grade essay about what she wanted to do in her life:  "But what I really want to do is rule the world!"  I don't doubt it a bit!  (Message to my Eff- You are the most amazing person in the world and I love you very much!  I admire your faith and your strength to stand up for what you believe in, even if it isn't what others would consider 'normal')!  Her long range goal is to go to seminary and be a youth pastor after college- perhaps work with campus outreach.  I have no doubt that Effie will achieve anything she sets her mind to do!
Welcome to Lisa's Homepage !
   Hello! Allow me to introduce myself! I am Lisa, 46 years old   I live in an Eastern Suburb of Cleveland.  I am a Respiratory Therapist by trade and the Mother of Shawn and Effie by profession. 
     A bit about me, (should you be interested):  I am passionate (very); opinionated (so I'm told); speak my mind freely (sometimes too freely); live in the real world and not some fantasy concocted by an overactive imagination (life is easier that way); I have always been curious (drove my mother crazy); the eternal optimist (that is good, right?); I love people (life would be so boring without people). My IQ is well over 80.   My interests include: Music; Singing; Playing Piano; Playing Scrabble; Writing Poetry; Anything to do with computers; Exploring my spirituality; Exploring other things :)~ ; Laughter; Great, majestic thunderstorms; Sunsets on the beach; Cooking; Walking in the rain; and many more things too numerous to mention!
     On the negative end of the spectrum, I am passionate, opinionated, speak my mind freely, live in the real world, always curious, the eternal optimist..... you get the picture, tee hee... 
My children are the light of my life and sometimes the bain of my existence.... but I love them anyway!!!
     In Oct '05 I met the love of my life and we are got married 7-7-07!  He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so happy that he is in my life!  It is so wonderful to have found someone who is my Love, my best friend, and the One I want to spend the rest of my life with!  Larry has no idea how much joy he brings to my life.  When he says "I love you" and I say "I love you more"  I mean it with all my heart.  Sometimes the best things in life are worth waiting for, and I've waited 17 years for my Love!  He was well worth the wait!
If you are so inclined, please take a moment to browse the links to my picture page and some of my poetry (links are below).  I've updated my page with our wedding vows and pictures...

SHAWN:  Is a First Sergeant in the United States Army Reserves.  He graduated from High School in 2003, and returned last Oct from a year in Iraq. One of my proudest moments as a mother was attending Shawn's Army basic training graduation in August 2002 at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.   Shawn has a very outgoing personality and will accomplish ANYTHING in life that he sets his mind to.  I am blessed to have such a marvelous son!   (Message to Shawn:   I am so proud of you! You are AWESOME!)   While in Iraq, Shawn met the beautiful Mary Rose.  When he got back from Iraq they went to Vegas and got married!  I am so excited to have Mary Rose in our family!  She's an awesome person and Shawn is so lucky to have found her.   (Message to Mary Rose Stansbery:  I am so glad you are a part of our family!  You bring a lot of love and joy to Shawn's life.  I'm glad the two of you are so happy!  You are just like a daughter to me!)
Email Address:
You've reached the end! Congratulations!
I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much
as I enjoyed creating it... he he.
In loving memory of my sister, Dana. 
1/28/65 to 2/11/04  
We all miss you very much!!!!!!!!!!
Dana & Lisa- July 2003
Bring them safely home!
My Links
My Poetry:
More of My Poetry:
My Love & I
I am so richly blessed to have Shawn and Mary Rose home safe and sound from Iraq when so many don't return at all!
Christmas 2006
On 7/7/07
Before Shawn's deployment to Iraq in 2005
Our Wedding
Link to Wedding Pictures
I am now 'Nana Lisa' on August 24, Larry's daughter Jennifer gave birth to Jonathan Leo.  She and her husband Mike live in Nashville, TN.  Larry's son Joseph lives there as well!

Larry and I traveled to Nashville Labor day weekend to visit and for the occasion of Jonathan's Bris. 

He is so adorable, and Larry is such the proud Grandpa!  As for me, after the initial shock - I just love being a Nana!
Mike, Jennifer, Larry, Joe & Meghan June  '07
The  War of the Bellies.....
Jonathan Leo & Mo
Nana Lisa, Jonathan and Grandpa