Ashley  Loraine  Apfl

We all waited 15 years for this little one to bless our family. I nicknamed her Angel and I think it fits her perfectly.

glenn, lorraine, angel

To My Son


I feel so fortunate to have you for a son
I love your bright face
when we talk seriously about the world
I love your smile
when you laugh at the
inconsistencies in the world
I love your eyes
when you are showing emotion
I love your mind
when you are discovering
new ideas
and creating dreams to follow
Many people tell me that
they cannot talk to their children
I want you to know
that I enjoy you so much and
I look forward to any time
we can spend together
Not only are you my adored son
but you are also my friend
I am so proud of you
my son and
I love you
~With Loving Thoughts of You~
~My Son~
To see you happy -
laughing and dancing
smiling and content
striving towards goals
of your own
accomplishing what you
set out to do
having fun with yourself
and your friends
capable of loving and being loved
is what I always wished for you
Today I thought about your
beautiful face
and felt your excitement for life
and your genuine happiness
and I, as your Mom,
burst with pride
as I realized that my dreams
for you came true
What an extraordinary person
you have become
and as you continue to grow
please remember always
how very much
I love you...

Love Mom


