| UK Sports World Class Basketball, finally some
excitement in this town about foolball, and don't forget our nationally ranked Women's
Tennis team featuring South Africa's Lauren Rookledge. GO CATS!!!!!!!!! Check
out my Links page for more.
 | Music I fiddle around with a guitar. I like
Bob Dylan (the only person that I sing better than,) Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, old
time blues guitar players, Mozart, Grieg, Rachmaninoff and most guitar driven/based Modern
Rock. I am jealous of my sons who are learning to read music and play two of my
fantasy instruments: violin and saxophone.
 | Computers Little girls grow up to be women; little
boys' toys just get more expensive. Even after twenty years I am still amazed at
the things that computers can be made to do! I actually enjoy coding. And they
pay me to do it! Just when I thought I had a handle on it they invented this Web
stuff and opened up a whole new area for me to be trailing behind in.
 | Prehistoric Archaeology/Anthropology If only I
could make the car payments as Indiana Jones! From the Egyptians to the Mayans to
the Viking dig at York. No UK Sports on the tube? My choice is The History
Channel, The Learning Channel or the Discovery Channel!
 | Kids They take up an inordinate amount of time,
money and effort (and well worth it!) But how do I get them to play scales and pick
up their toys?