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Tommy Lavin - 12/08/00 02:47:11
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If you have any information on the last name Lavin, I would appreciate it if you sent it to me. Thank you very much. TOMMY
Caroline Ward - 12/06/00 19:06:35
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Seery or Green
area of research:
Co Roscommon
I'm interested in anyone who has ancesters by the name of Seery or Green who lived In Co Roscommon in the mid to late nineteenth century.  My great great grandfather moved to Lancashire around the 1890s,and his two brothers went to America.
cilla - 12/05/00 23:03:13
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area of research:
not sure
hi was just looking. i'm trying to find my family (grandfather how was in selby north york's england in the 1871 cen aged 21yrs.there were no other horan's. his name was james horan his dad was anthony.thanks it is a great page you have  cilla
cilla - 12/05/00 23:03:01
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area of research:
not sure
hi was just looking. i'm trying to find my family (grandfather how was in selby north york's england in the 1871 cen aged 21yrs.there were no other horan's. his name was james horan his dad was anthony.thanks it is a great page you have  cilla
Margaret Smidowicz - 12/03/00 20:25:51
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I have been trying to find a John Sharkey (a farmer)who had a son named Michael (born 1828 ish) in Boyle.  Michael came to Chesterfield England and married a Catherine O'Reilly (various spellings!) in 1856.  John Reilly was also a farmer married to a Cath rine Noon.  Their daughter was  Catherine who gave her birth place as Wigan Lancs (but I believe she was baptised in Kilteevhan(?) in 1838 ish.  I cannot find a John Sharkey and have paid for some research.  Yet others tell me they know of an Edward Shark y born in Boyle 1814.   Other Sharkeys (Martin) also lived in Chesterfield Derbys England.  Can anybody help please?
Lillian Malfara - 12/02/00 20:42:13
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My Ancestor Archibald Frazer came to America around 1893 age 19. His father was Alexander Frazer and his mother Eliza Moor.  He married in Ansonia Conn. had three sons - Archibald born in New York City, William and Alexander born in Pennsylvania.  Archiba d returned to Ireland around 1920 after the death of his wife.
Deirdre - 12/01/00 16:41:10
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Family name:
Flanagan,Dyer, Webb, Flynn
area of research:
Castlerea, Co Roscommon
My grandfather is Thomas Flanagan, Searching for information on his parents and siblings and family in general. He was born sometime around 1866 or 1867. Email me at D2526W40@aol.com
Patrick Costello - 11/25/00 11:43:41
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I used to live, in 1948/9, in Ballyforan with an aunt & uncle called Kelly.  My dad Edward Joseph Costello lived there during the 1920's.  I have a photograph of all the family at The Bog, Lissaphucia, Ballyforan taken in 1948. Does anyone know of this pl ce or family please.
Patrick Costello - 11/25/00 11:43:36
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I used to live, in 1948/9, in Ballyforan with an aunt & uncle called Kelly.  My dad Edward Joseph Costello lived there during the 1920's.  I have a photograph of all the family at The Bog, Lissaphucia, Ballyforan taken in 1948. Does anyone know of this pl ce or family please.
Brian Radley - 11/22/00 16:29:47
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area of research:
Boyle Co Roscommon
I am researching my g grandmother Rose Ann Drury born around 1853 and who died circa 1928. Also my great grandfather Joseph Bealin who was said to have come originally from County Waterford and was some 25 years older than Rose Ann. My research is somewha  hampered because I live in England and any assistance will be very gratefully received.
ian armstrong - 11/19/00 03:48:14
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I am trying to trace any descendants of Thomas Derby, Grocer and Draper of Croghan about the time of 1904.
ian armstrong - 11/19/00 03:47:41
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I am trying to trace any descendants of Thomas Derby, Grocer and Draper of Croghan about the time of 1904.
Kathy Contois - 11/18/00 14:19:24
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area of research:
Parish of Moore Roscommon
Hi, Am searching for any Gunning ancestors, but mostly info on a Timothy, s/o Timothy and Margaret (Greeley)Gunning. He was born in 1818, and left Ireland in 1846,He arrived in New York on June 1, 1846 and settled in Boston, Massachusetts.                 Thanks                Kathy
Annie Patterson - 11/12/00 08:37:49
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Family name:
Frain / Durkan
area of research:
Knock, Roscommon
Looking for collateral family of  Catherine Frain Durkan--born Knock, Roscommon about 1840. Married Martin Durkan in Kilbeagh, Swinford, Mayo in Feb 1867.
Andy Dolan - 10/29/00 20:31:02
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Glad to see an additional resource available.  I am interested in being supportive if I can.  Let me know.
Rose (Morrisroe)Hipfl - 10/26/00 00:08:03
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area of research:
ggf  Thomas roots
I am wandering all over these sites and truly appreciate the hard work people have done.  I too am looking for my great grandfathers roots.  His death certificate says dob 1856, Ireland, mother Mary Higgins, father John Morrisroe.  When I querry (Morrisro ) in  the 1901 cencus I see a Briget Morrisroe 75 and wonder if that could be his widowed mother.  When I querry (Bridget Morrisroe) I see 2 entries one which says mother/nurse 65.  The name Towey comes into the picture in each of these cases even though  here is a discrepancy in age. What should I take as a next step to rule them out or in?
- 10/25/00 23:55:39
Jim Steele - 10/25/00 21:44:28
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Kenney Kenny
Looking for information regarding Richard and Bridget (Callery) Kenney or Kenny. Circa 1860 through 1875. Have them on the 1880 census in USA, don't know when they immigrated.
Pat Carlson - 10/24/00 01:18:17
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Brennan, Lough
area of research:
Anxious to find information on Brennan family (Luke Brennan/Maria Lough) parents of my grandmother, Katie Marie Brennan, born 1860 in Knockcroghery, emigrated to San Francisco, California, USA, about 1880.
Maggie Fallon Decowski - 10/23/00 20:19:13
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I am searching for information on my great-grandparents, John Fallon and Margaret Reynolds.  John was born in 1825 (I think in or around County Roscommon).  Margaret was born somewhere in Ireland in 1839.  I don't know when the emigrated but believe they  anded in Rhode Island, USA, where they were married.
Tony Ward - 10/22/00 17:57:31
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I am looking for any information re Thomas Mulvee(My Great/Grandfather) and Patrick Mulvee. Both left Ireland for England in the 1880s. Both appear in the 1881 Census living in Lancashire with their wives (both named Margaret) and young families.It is pos ible Thomas Mulvee married Margaret Flannery (mother's name was also Margaret). Both brothers were working in the stone quarries in 1881 so it is possible that this was their calling.Any info appreciated!
Tom Gordon - 10/20/00 06:39:37
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My grandfather, John Charles Gordon, son of Charles and Mary (Concannon) Gordon was baptized  on February 20 1887 in the parish church at Kiltullagh. His sponsors were Thomas and Bridget Gordon. This is the only information that I have been able to gather  Looking for additional info on my great grandparents.
MaryFrances Charpentier - 10/18/00 03:53:29
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Sweeney and Noon(e)
My ggrandfather (John Francis Sweeney) and his brother (John Joseph Sweeney) were born in Co. Roscommon and came to U.S. about 1849-50 at ages 10 and 8 (about) with no record of parents accompanying them.  The 1850 Federal Census shows them living with a  illiam and Bridget Henry (who may have been their grandmother).  Their parents were Michael Sweeney and Mary Noon.  Could they have died in the workhouse and relatives took them to U.S.?  I do not know the townland.  I'd appreciate any help on this.
Michael J. Flanigan - 10/18/00 03:43:26
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Family name:
Flanigan or Flanagan
area of research:
family history
My paternal grandfather Michael A. Flanigan was born in County Roscommon in January 1874 (or possibly 1872)--he emigrated to the US in 1896.  His brother Berton was born in 1878 and emigrated to the US in 1900.  They were in the pub or liquor business bef re coming to the States.  I want to find out more about their family history.
MaryFrances Charpentier - 10/18/00 03:33:14
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Family name:
Sweeney and Noon(e)
area of research:
County Roscommon
Best of luck on your new Website.  I sent you an e-mail concerning my Sweeney family.  I hope you can help me with my research.  I have tenative plans to visit Ireland next year and hope to have more specific information on my ancestors.
Stephen Callary - 10/16/00 20:42:10
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Family name:
James Callery
area of research:
Boyle, Roscommon
Have any other Callery/Callary's come across a James Callary and his brother Patrick Callary who emigrated to Montreal in the 1860's?
Roger Killelea - 10/15/00 20:12:36
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area of research:
Boyle civil district
Looking for any info on Killelea faminly wwho lived in townland of Tintagh in 1900.
Jane O'Brien - 10/14/00 17:37:38
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Family name:
Kilmartin (Martin)
area of research:
Four Mile House
Would like to know more re: the Society....and if possible learn more about grpar. James and Helen (Madden) Kilmartin from Four Mile House!! It would be lovely hearing from you re: genealogy material or to find out what the fee is to join your group and l arn more about this area of Ireland! Thanks for your help, Jane O'Brien
Betty Lou Garcia - 10/13/00 21:44:35
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I am seeking information on the COFFEY family.  Martin Coffey m. Bridget Welsh, 1850's. I know of one daughter, ELLEN COFFEY, b. 1863 and one son, JAMES COFFEY, b.???.  Any information on the COFFEY family will be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks.
Tom Finn - 10/13/00 18:58:14
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area of research:
Family history
Great Site. What is cost for subscription to your research and journals?
John Callaghan - 10/09/00 16:51:45
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Any info on callaghan appreciated My Grandparents lived in Cloonfad Tibohine Patrick & Celia nee Durr children Bridget Sean (My Dad) Sheila Maura Maeve Hilda Jenny Cormac (still living in cloonfad)  My family Sean & Ellen Philomena (nee Hyland Portlaise Patrick, Celia, Maureen John(me) Jackie  Settled in Birmingam UK Keep up the good work
Maribeth Flynn - 10/08/00 17:13:50
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Looking for information on my grandfather and great grand parents.  Grandfather was Dominic S. Flynn who emigrated (with his parents?) to New Jersey around 1890s.  Worked in Washington D.C.  We don't have town or parish name, only know it was Roscommon co nty.
Eileen Patton - 10/07/00 16:49:58
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area of research:
Co Roscommon
What a wonderful site!   I have traced back our CONBOYs to the 1901 Census: townland Cloonradoon, Parish Bumlin, Barony Roscommon, Co. Roscommon.  My great grandfather was James CONBOY, son of John CONBOY and Bridget LYONS. His wife, Winifred Butler Conboy was daughter of Robert BUTLER and Winifred TRESTON/TRESTEN/TRUSTAN/TISTON.          James Conboy and Winifred Butler were married at the Drumlion Roman Catholic Church on 31 May 1888. His given address at the time of marriage was Cloonradoon,Strokestown. Her address was Boher, Carrick on Shannon. My grandmother, Elizabeth Conboy was born several months (July 19th) after the 1901 census was taken on .  I do not have any offical records on her since she was born after 1900 - I do have information on her older siblings who were baptized in the Strok stown Roman Catholic Parish.  Church records list the townland address sometimes as The Demesne and sometimes as Cloonradoon. My great grandfather James Conboy's obituary was in one of the local Irish papers in July 1914, not sure which one. It mentions that he went to assist a wool merchant named McDermott in loading some wool, and was found lying on the ground at the end of t e cart in a stunned condition.  He was attended by doctors Mullen, Strokestown and Blakeny, Roscommon but never rallied. He was buried in the family burial place in Bumlin Cemetery. Rev. Dr. Hurley,C.C. Strokestown, officiated at the graveside.  It was no  mentioned in the obiturary but my grandmother told us he died of a broken back after falling from the top of the cart. My great grandmother Winifred Butler Conboy  emigrated with her children to New York City USA in the spring of 1916.  I would love to share information with anyone researching this line!
Clarke Glennon - 10/01/00 03:00:21
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area of research:
Roscommon/Galway border
Would like to exchange information with Glennons and Rowan/Roans from Creggs parish (Glinsk & Kilbegnet) 8 miles West of Roscommon town. There was a migration from there to the Hudson River Valley, New York State over a number of decades in the 1800s.  Al o interested in the history and origins of the Glennon name in Co. Roscommon
Charlie Brown - 10/01/00 02:15:24
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area of research:
Researching ggreatgrandmother, Jane Callahan, who emigrated to US prior to 1860.  Born 1836 of Luke Callahan and Mary Casey; had two sisters who also emigrated to Ohio -- Honora and Elizabeth.  Jane married Patrick Conway in Cleveland, Ohio in 1862; they  oved to NW Ohio (Wood County, then Henry County) and had ten children, all of whom lived to adulthood.  Search focusing on the Lissergool/Cloonfad/Moyne area as having the most of both Calla(g)han and Casey names clustered on the idea of "how far would a  oung man walk to court a woman?"
Gary Burnheim - 09/28/00 21:33:56
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Hello!      My name is gary and i am trying to trace my family history.I only have limited information such as: a Bridget Tighe and a Annie cecilia Tighe some Dates( 1834 & 1820) also a town or county name:Ballyhaderan. thats as much as i have. If you have anything else that would help me i would be very grateful to hear from you. Sincerely, Gary Burnheim.
Dauri Coyle Wright - 09/27/00 00:26:58
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I am searching for information about my grandfather,Owen J. Coyle, born in Roscommon in 1880, died in Boston, Massachusetts in 1918. His parents were Thomas and Mary (Daley) Coyle.  I would appreciate any help.
Sue - 09/26/00 12:46:11
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area of research:
County Rosscommon
I'm just getting started with my Irish research and don't know where to look to find any vital records.
Louise Scott - 09/21/00 01:39:14