I thought that I wound NEVER breastfeed in public....I changed my mind after Elizabeth was born!
The first time I tried breastfeeding in public, I was extremely nervous. I was sure that everybody would be staring and gawking at us. Nevertheless, my husband, daughter, and I ventured out to a local family steakhouse for dinner. I figured that if I had to I could sneak off to the bathroom to nurse. I put Elizabeth in her sling before we went in the restaurant, and I made sure to wear a "easy access" nursing shirt. Sure enough, she decided it was time to nurse as soon as my food arrived. I considered taking her to the bathroom, but in a brave moment I decided to "stand my ground". She nursed through the entire meal, yet I was still a little nervous about the other patrons' reactions to a breastfeeding baby.
There was a lady sitting at the table acrossfrom us who glanced our way every now and then. I was just positive she was staring at me! On her way out she stopped by our table to tell us what a wonderful baby we had and that she had never seen such a quiet baby. She didn't even realize that Elizabeth had been nursing the whole time! Boy was I impressed with myself and my talent for discreet nursing.
Since then I have vowed never to hide in a bathroom stall when my baby is hungry. I know I wouldn't enjoy eating by a toilet, so why would I subject my infant to that? Since then, I've nursed both my girls in many places....church, the movies, restaurants, Wal-mart, the mall, and even a crowed theme park!
Here are a few tips for nursing in public: --wear comfortable, easy access nursing clothes --slings are WONDERFUL for discreet nursing-I use the "OTSBH" and LOVE it! --turn away from the group when latching on, but once baby is attached join in the conversation and make eye contact with others. This lets them know you are comfortable in this situation and they will be too --remember, the best way to be a breastfeeding advocate is to show others that breastfeeding is normal, healthy, and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! Come out of the backroom, and "go public" :)
Want further information on nursing in public? Check out this site: Elizabeth Lee-tips for nursing in public
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