DEER VALLEY - 2/8/00 & 2/11/00


If you want to experience "country club" skiing, Deer Valley is the place to go. It's privately owned and some very wealthy people have purchased land and built vacation homes along the slopes. The snack bars at this place serve food befitting a five star restaurant and the runs are groomed so meticulously it's like skiing on velvet. We skied here on Tuesday and Friday. Once again, the first day weather was good but the second was clouds and snow!




 The view from the summit of Deer Valley.




 This is one of the houses along the runs at Deer Valley. The bears are wood carvings. In the center is a raccoon head carved coming out of the front of the deck rail with a bear cub above pulling the raccoon's tail, carved coming out the top of the rail. The amazing thing about most of these houses is that they are just vacation homes. This is actually one of the smaller homes at Deer Valley and it's probably three to four thousand square feet!




More of the bear house!




Another nice little cottage!




 This ten foot tall bronze Indian statue was brought in by the owners of the home in the background. Yes, that's a single family home, not a hotel!



Lifestyles of the rich and famous!



Several Olympic events will be held at Deer Valley. The signs here point to the slalom and mogul event hills.



This house is very close to the Olympic event areas so you'll probably see a lot of it on TV in 2002. It's a nice place but I don't think I could stay in it for long without getting claustrophobic. It's just so small!