Saturday morning brought heavy rain to Salt Lake City. We had plans to go back to ski Snow Basin on our last day so we headed north in the rain. The road in to Snow Basin is very much a "mountain" road - narrow and full of sharp turns and cutbacks. About halfway up the mountain the rain turned to snow and by the time we got to the top we were in the clouds and heavy snow with visibility of about 100 yards. We had been skiing in this type of weather for the past few days and were very tired so we decided to bag it. On the way back we visited Antelope Island State Park. This is an island seven miles out in the Salt Lake ( you drive out on a causeway). It has no permanent human habitation but is the home to herds of antelope and bison as well as hundreds of different species of birds. The weather wasn't very good but it's a cool place!




The seven mile causeway that gets you out to the island. This is from the island looking back.




You won't believe this but there is a bison in this picture. He's laying down in the grass a little to the left of the center of the picture.




If you didn't believe the bison picture above, you won't buy this one either but there are several wolves or coyotes in this picture. One of them is in the very center of the picture, the others are higher on the hill and to the right.