This is the start of our family page. We will add our genealogy, short stories, poems and pictures as we ago a long.
I'm a disabled miner. Therefore I'm retired, against my will I must say. I have three children by a previous marriage and five grandchildren.
I'm now married to a wonder lady from Cebu, Talisay, Philippines. We have one daughter. Our daughter
Brittney Has been Valedictorian of her class for the last two years.



Short Stories

Everett Eldon Snodgrass


Martha Matilda McAhren

My Mother.

Mary Ann Jones

Tommy the Turtle

Mary Lou Hatfield

Bee Pollen

Rebecca Shoup

Bee Propolis

Suesan Jane Sullinger

My Love.

Billybees Place

My Shadow and Me.

The Martin Family Page


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