Please visit my business site to see what else we have created!
Double Baptism - Gold Crosses/Pink Parchment Paper
Kids Riding Horse (Right Page)
Reptile Gardens - Rapid City, SD
Merry Christmas on Punch Shapes
When you smile... The whole world lights up!
Our Family is God's Way of Taking Really Good Care of Us (L)
Our Family is God's Way of Taking Really Good Care of Us (R)
No Matter What, No Matter Where, It's Always an Adventure if Kids are There
... and THIS makes it ALL worth it!...
The End.
I have done over 12 books now,
I started this listing to share with my fellow scrapbookers ---
many more pages will be added as I can get the time!
I LOVE scrapbooking and want to share some of my pages with you.
After all, that is how I got many of my ideas --- other peoples' work.
I found a lot of my ideas in the Creative Memories Idea Books
and on the DMarie Site (
So, if you thought you've seen an idea before, you probably have!
Click on the underlined titles to see a full picture of a page.
Other Family Photos
Nature Fun
Our State Park Pages
and so you can imagine I have MANY more pages to share with you.
Please check back frequently!
Where would you like to go next?