East Hampton, Connecticut WANGONK NATION Adventure Guides
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Information Night September 15, 2008 (Monday) 6:30 - 8:00 PM E. Hampton Library Senior Center, East Hampton
Induction Ceremony

October 4, 2008 (Saturday)

7:00 PM YMCA Camp Ingersoll, Portland
Fall Halloween Campout October 18 to October 19, 2008 (Saturday to Sunday) 11:00 AM Sat to 2:00 PM Sun YMCA Camp Woodstock, Woodstock Valley
Bowling & Pizza Party *

December 7, 2008 (Sunday)

11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

East Hampton Lanes,  9 Bear Swamp Road,  East Hampton

Roller Skating & Pizza Party * January 11, 2009 (Sunday) 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM Middletown Roller Skating Rink
Family Gym & Swim February 8, 2009 (Sunday) 4:00 PM Northern Middlesex YMCA, Middletown
Sledding / Tubing / Tobogganing Date will depend on snow conditions and likely be schedule a few days in advance 1:00 PM
YMCA Camp Ingersoll, Portland
Pinewood Derby

March 8, 2009 (Sunday)

Set-up starts at 12 noon,

Racing starts at 1:00 PM

East Hampton Middle School, East Hampton

Wadsworth Falls (Middletown) Hike *

April 5, 2009 (Sunday) 1:00 PM Wadsworth Falls State Park, Middlefield
Camp Ingersoll Fun Day - ropes, archery, boating, and cookout May 3, 2009 (Sunday) 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM YMCA Camp Ingersoll, Portland
Memorial Day Parade May 25, 2009 (Monday) 9:00 AM East Hampton High School, East Hampton
Spring Campout June 5 to June 7, 2009 (Friday to Sunday) 5:00 PM Fri to 2:00 PM Sun YMCA Camp Woodstock, Woodstock Valley

*  indicates that the event date and time are subject to change


YMCA Camp Ingersoll, Portland, CT.

Located off Route 66 in Portland.  From East Hampton, travel west on Route 66 through Cobalt.   The entrance to Camp Ingersoll is on the right when Route 66 becomes a divided highway, right after the Mobil gas station.

YMCA Camp Woodstock, Woodstock Valley, CT.

Take Route 66 East to Willimantic, and continue east on Rt. 6 to South Chaplin.  Take Rt. 198 north through Chaplin, Pheonixville, Eastford, Kenyonville, and Woodstock Valley to Camp Road on the right.  The second left on Camp Road is the entrance for Camp Woodstock.

Champions Skating Center, Cromwell, CT.

From East Hampton, travel west on Route 66 over the Arragoni Bridge into Middletown, and take ramp on to route 9 north toward Hartford.  Take left lane exit 20S on to I-91 south.  Move to right hand lane of I-91 and take exit 21on to Route 372.  Take first right on to Sebethe Drive, and 0.75 miles on left is the rink.

Middletown Roller Skating Rink, Middletown, CT.

Take Route 66 West through Portland over the Arragoni Bridge.  Stay straight on Main Street in Middletown into downtown.  Holiday Roller Skating Rink is on the left, #547 Main Street.

Camp Hemlocks, Hebron, CT.

From East Hampton, proceed east on Route 66 to Hebron.  Watch for signs for Hemlocks Outdoor Center and take a right on to Burrows Hill Road.  Stay on Burrows Hill Road, and go straight through intersection with Hope Valley Road on to Jones Street.  The entrance to Camp Hemlocks is on the left a short distance further on Jones Street.

Northern Middlesex YMCA, Middletown, CT.

Take Route 66 West through Portland over the Arragoni Bridge.  Stay straight on Main Street in Middletown through the downtown.  Take a left on to Union Street; YMCA is located on the corner of Main Street and Union Street on the right.

Wadsworth Falls State Park, Middlefield, CT.

Take Route 66 West through Portland over the Arragoni Bridge.  Continue to follow Route 66 through Middletown past Wesleyan University and under the railroad bridge.  Take left on to Route 157 off Route 66 near Walgreen’s Pharmacy. Stay on Route 157 to Wadsworth Falls State Park.   Click here for a map of the park.


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 Page Last updated September 10, 2008


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Disclaimer:  This site is not an official YMCA web site.  The East Hampton Adventure Guides is not affiliated with any Native American Indian nation.  The views and opinions expressed on this web site do not necessarily reflect those of the YMCA or any Native American Indian nation.  It was created solely for the purpose of promoting the YMCA Adventure Guides program among its members at the Northern Middlesex (Connecticut) YMCA. Although we strive to verify the contents of this site, accuracy of the submissions cannot be guaranteed since in some instances, information is received by secondary sources.