East Hampton, Connecticut WANGONK NATION Adventure Guides
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Spring, 2008 Camp Jewel campout (06/06/08-06/08/08)
Wadsworth Falls Hike (04/14/2005)
Ice Skating Party (01/09/2005)
Fall, 2004 YMCA Camp Woodstock campout, 10/30/2004 to 10/31/2004 HALLOWEEN!
Spring, 2004 Camp out at YMCA Camp Woodstock, 6/11/2004 to 6/13/2004
Air Line Rail Trail Bike and/or Hike, 4/24/04
Pinewood Derby, 3/14/2004
Old Home Day Parade, East Hampton, 07/13/2002
Spring, 2001 YMCA Camp Woodstock Camp out, 6/14/2002 to 6/16/2002
Memorial Day Parade, 5/27/2002
Pinewood Derby, 3/10/2002
Roller Skating Party, 1/19/2002
Fall, 2001 YMCA Camp Woodstock campout, 11/03/2001 to 11/04/2001
Fall, 2001 Induction Ceremony at YMCA Camp Ingersoll
Spring 2001 YMCA Camp Woodstock campout, 6/8/2001 to 6/10/2001
Memorial Day Parade, 5/28/2001
Pinewood Derby, 3/18/2001
Family Swim, 3/10/2001
Fall, 2000 YMCA Camp Woodstock campout, 11/18/2000 to 11/19/2000
Spring, 2000 YMCA Camp Woodstock campout, 6/2/2000 to 6/4/2000
Memorial Day Parade, 5/29/2000


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 Page Last updated September 10, 2008

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Disclaimer:  This site is not an official YMCA web site.  The East Hampton Adventure Guides is not affiliated with any Native American Indian nation.  The views and opinions expressed on this web site do not necessarily reflect those of the YMCA or any Native American Indian nation.  It was created solely for the purpose of promoting the YMCA Adventure Guides program among its members at the Northern Middlesex (Connecticut) YMCA. Although we strive to verify the contents of this site, accuracy of the submissions cannot be guaranteed since in some instances, information is received by secondary sources.