East Hampton, Connecticut WANGONK NATION Adventure Guides
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For the second year in a row, all annual dues and membership fees are waived due to the East Hampton Adventure Guides' operating surplus!

For fathers, one of the un-official slogans for the East Hampton Adventure Guides is "no fundraising, only fun!"  We do not perform any East Hampton nation (town-wide) fund raising activities like selling candy bars, raffles, etc.  We feel there is already too much of this going on between school and scouting programs in town.  

Our current membership fee is $0 per year for every family!  Fathers with more than one child in the same or different  tribes still only pay $0.  Some activities, such as camp outs, require an additional fee.  If the Nation is running low on funds, we generally 'pass the hat' to make ends meet. 

Many of the fathers involved with the Adventure Guides are employed by companies who donate to community and civic organizations.  In the past several years, much of the operating budget has been met with those donations.

Most Circles (tribes) collect a dollar or two of wampum at the start of each meeting for individual tribal activities.  The child habitually receives the dollar from their dad, but most tribes have the child say to the rest of the group why they deserve the dollar.  Some typical responses are:  cleaning my room, setting the table, helping out with the care of a little brother or sister, etc.  The collected funds then are used for individual tribal parties, skating parties, bowling, pizza, etc.

To find out more about joining the East Hampton Adventure Guides, contact:

Rich Pethybridge at (860) 267-0153 or send an e-mail to: vtpoco@sbcglobal.net

To get a head start, print the enrollment form below and prepare to have a great time with your son or daughter!

Printer-friendly enrollment form (43 KB PDF - requires Adobe Reader)  Get Adobe Reader






FATHER Last Name                              FATHER First Name                              FATHER Middle Initial



FATHER Home Address



City                                             State                                           Zip Code



FATHER home phone / CELL                     FATHER business phone                        FATHER birthday



FATHER e-mail address



FATHER Place of Employment



In case of emergency, please notify (NAME & telephone)












any characteristics we should be aware of (medical or otherwise) FOR ANY OF THESE CHILDREN?



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 Page Last updated September 19, 2006


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Disclaimer:  This site is not an official YMCA web site.  The East Hampton Adventure Guides is not affiliated with any Native American Indian nation.  The views and opinions expressed on this web site do not necessarily reflect those of the YMCA or any Native American Indian nation.  It was created solely for the purpose of promoting the YMCA Adventure Guides program among its members at the Northern Middlesex (Connecticut) YMCA. Although we strive to verify the contents of this site, accuracy of the submissions cannot be guaranteed since in some instances, information is received by secondary sources.