From your unborn child

Dear Mommy,
I know everything looks so bleak and dismal, right now, but I beg you to read this 
letter. Please, my little life depends on it. I just want a second of your time to talk 
with you while I'm still in this world, just a minute to have my say before I die, if 
that is the road you choose.  Mommy, don't cry ! I might be small, but I feel, but it 
hurts me when you are sad and unhappy. I love you so much, and wish I could 
have the chance to tell you that someday, BUT???  Do you and Daddy think of 
me as a burden or a mistake? I don't mean to be. I didn't ask to be here inside of 
you, but I am, and I like it, and I would love to stay.  D id you know that I have 
arms and legs, now? Did you know that I am moving inside of you. Mommy, I am 
just so small, you can't feel me yet. I guess there is a chance you will never feel 
me, isn't there? Did you know that my heart is now beating? It beats for my 
mommy and daddy. Aren't you and Daddy proud of me? Don't you love me? Do 
you love me enough to fight for my life? I love the both of you know matter what
you decide. Mommy, God said that you have eyes that are very beautiful . He 
said he was going to give me eyes like yours. Are they beautiful and sparkling 
like God said? I wish I could see them. Did you know that God looked down on 
this Earth, and said he was going to find me a very special mother, who would 
love me and protect me? Just think out of all the women on Earth, HE CHOSE 
YOU!! You were the lucky one. (or were you?) I have been feeling so blessed and 
happy knowing you and Daddy are going  to raise me and love me, but now I 
can't help but be scared. I'm frantic that my hopes and dreams of having life is 
slipping away. I may never have the chance to feel anything.....your love, or 
what it feels like to be a baby, or anything. I fear that the only thing I'll ever 
experience is being sucked out of your body, having my little body ripped into
tiny pieces. Mommy, I'm panic-stricken! It will hurt, won't it? Death will be 
excruciatingly painful, won't it? MOMMY, HELP ME, I'M SCARED! PLEASE,
MOMMY,  I'M BEGGING YOU, SAVE ME!!!!! have mercy on my little body.
Don't let me have to endure that kind of torture.  If you let me go, would you 
always wonder what I would have been? Would you wonder what I would have
looked like? If I was a girl, I wanted to look just like you. (Just  think, when you
look in the mirror, you could be looking at an older version of what I would have
looked like.) When it comes time for my brothers and sisters to come, will you 
tell them about me? I wish I could see them and play with them. I wish I had the 
chance to help feed and diaper them. I could have been a big help to you. I 
wonder if they will look like me? I'd love to see the sparkle in your eyes the first 
time you saw me. I would look so cute taking my first steps. Life sure would be 
great. (BUT, I probably have no future.) Mommy, give me a chance. I know I 
would enrich your life. PLEASE? I don't have but one wish, and that is to have 
the chance to be born, have life, and be held by you. Please let me have that. If 
for some reason, you think you couldn't love me or care for me, at least give me 
life. I've heard that babies are in big demand. I bet someone would adopt and love
me. Please, give me life. Just in case, I couldn't change your mind, I still love you 
and forgive you. I just wish you could have given me a life!


P.S. I hope that you have a very nice, happy life, I just wish I could have been
a part of it. Even though I was only here for eight or nine weeks, thanks for 
giving me that long. I never got to see you, but at least, I felt you. I'm so sorry
if I made your life miserable. Don't let this ruin your life! Will you and Daddy
think of me every now and then? 

By  Kerri Lynn Barker  (Ma-Barker99)
Copyright 96



If this touched you in some way, please share it with others. If you are pregnant and this site keeps you from having an abortion, I would like to add another page with the pictures of the babies who were "not" aborted but saved as a result of this site. So, please send me a picture or e-mail for my address. I love all of you! E-mail me at: Mabark@bellsouth.net

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