I am the mother of three great kids. Brian is my eldest { by a whole three minutes} and
although he is disabled he is one of the smartest and sweetest kids I know.Brian was born a little
early and he had Craniosynostosis, at three months he had an operation called a cranioplasty to fix
that.He has a epilepsy,asthma,reflux,ADD and essential tremors.He also has regular speech, physical
and occupational therapy. Brina is my daughter, she is very protective of her brothers and one of her
nicknames is' the ringleader''. She is having a tough time right now dealing with her daddy's
and my divorce.And last but definately not least is John.He was born at a whopping ten pounds and twelve
ounces and continues to let his presence be known often he is mistaken for either Brian's twin or his
older brother.John also has asthma, seizures and he has a form of parapsoriasis called nummular exzema.

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow For babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow.
So cobwebs be quiet and dust go to sleep I'm rocking my babies and babies don't keep. Author Unknown

this is a link to where I got these faeries.

Marilee's Paperdoll Links

This candle burns for kids everywhere.

The song that is playing is Amazing Grace, sung in the Cherokee/Tsalagi language.This is dedicated
to Granna Dorothy Daniel, she will live on in the hearts of many but especialy her grandchildren,greatgrandchildren
[who still call her greatmother).
