Festival Choir Fort Wayne Indiana Associated Churches Festival Choir >
The Festival Choir Inc.
of  Fort Wayne, IN
  The Festival Choir Inc. of Fort Wayne Indiana is often called "The Musical Arm the Associated Churches of Fort Wayne, " The Festival Choir originally formed to sing the closing Concert Program for their Festival of Peace and Understanding in 1985. This all-city inter-racial, interfaith volunteer choir soon incorporated non-profit, and continues to sing and give concerts at home and abroad for 21 years. Shalom projects have been:
---A Set of handbells for a choir in East Germany.
To see the latest on the Peace Bell Choir of Caputh, make a Google search for Peace Bell Choir, Caputh! They are mentioned on several sites and tour in Europe exstensively.
---Those bells rang at the Unification  of Germany.
---Communion baptistry sets for prisons in Michigan,  ?
---Supplies for a crippled childrens hospital in Poland, 
---Benefits for a local Leukemia patient.
---Funds for The Associated Churches Baby Closet.
--- Outreach Concerts in Michigan Prisons Annually. 
--- We will give benefit concerts for Shalom projects:  womens shelters, and food banks, or the project your group chooses. See: USA Appearances below.

      You can  contact us for a concert booking 
or If you would like to sing, print and mail the contact form.!
See Us in years past
Why Do We Sing
Music Titles
Itenerary and 2006 Pictures
How can I Join ?
Past U.S.A. Appearances
Past European Appearances
How Does the Choir Pay Expenses ?
What Do You Sing? Visit the Library
Roll out the Years

Contact Us: Contact Form 
Year 2009
U.S. Mail:
The Festival Choir Inc.
1312 Deveron Drive
New Haven, IN 46774

Fax: 219-432-8834 at W. JeffersonPak Mail
Attention: Rose Newton/ Pat Deihl

Music Graphics by Pat: http://patswebgraphics.com
Email address
This page updated 7 January 2009