When a cowboy's in a pinch, 
He just tightens up the cinch, 
Spurs his horse and rides right through it 
'Cause that's the way the Duke'd do it. 
He'd-cowboy up 

And when our country is in danger, 
A cowboy's ' like the old Lone Ranger. 
Ridin' hard and' shootin' straight, 
Fightin' those who spread the hate. 
He's cowboy'd up. 

A cowboy's ready and he's willin' 
To face the foe, like Marshal Dillon. 
And when the Gunsmoke clears away 
Cowboy spirit wins the day. 

So, cowboy up. Pull that hat down tight, 
And don't back down from what is right. 
We'll bring back "HappyTrails" for you 
Like Hoppy, Gene, and Roy would do. 

Think back about Flight 93 
And how those heroes came to be. 
They knew that thousands more could die 
If they just let that airplane fly. 
They cowboy'd up 

One widow had this tale to share, 
A husband's love and one last prayer. 
And when their sacrifice was done, 
Terror lost and Freedom won. 
"Let's roll" he said, and cowboy'd up 

Cause cowboys fight until they win 
Just like TV's Paladin. 
They will not let our flag unravel 
As long as they Have Gun, Will Travel 
And cowboy up, hell bent for leather. 
Cause we're all in this fight together. 
We're ridin' hard right on their trail 
And with God's help, we will prevail. 

If Gary Cooper, Joe McCrae, 
And Randolph Scott were here today. 
They'd fight for what is right and true 
Like Rex and Tex and Lash LaRue. 
They'd cowboy up. 

So, let's give Uncle Sam a hand, 
'Cause we're all ridin for his brand. 
Let New York and the Pentagon 
Inspire resolve to carry on. 

So cowboy up and listen tight. 
The world had better do what's right. 
Our country's through with playin' games. 
We're kickin' butt and taking names. 
We've cowboy'd up.  

In God We Trust. 
We fight because our cause is just. 
We're standin' tall and standin free, 
Cause we won't stand for tyranny. 

So America, Cowboy up.

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Iggy's Story Itchy And Her Name Cowboy's Prayer
Bunkies Bunkhouse Christmas Iggy's Last Ride
Spring Storm Whoppers! Iggy And The Bear
Gunsights Ol Tree Returnin' A Favor
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"Cowboy Up" poetry - author unknown

The background music is "Kumbayah"

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Twink's Ink