![]() I was out ridin' a few days ago in the high country lookin' for strays. I happened to notice an old pine tree out there on a bare hill slope. Now I have seen this tree many times and not paid any attention to it in the past, but that day something made me take a second look. That old tree was about the sorriest lookin'thing you would ever want to see, but something about it drew me closer. The more I looked at it, the more it reminded me of something. I sat there and looked at it for a while and you know what? That dang tree reminded me of....Me!! Now you got to understand how a tree like this comes about. That tree is a Ponderosa pine. They grow tall and handsome and full and are a true sight to see. You see this tree is growin' at about 8600 feet in elevation in about a harsh an environment as you can find in Wyoming. The wind blows up there constantly, and in the winter the snow can get to 6 feet deep and stay all season long. That tree started as a pine cone being blown across that barren slope when it fell into a crack in a big old granite rock. There was just barely enough soil for a seed to sprout,but that is all it took, and that tree was on its way. The day that tree first sprouted, it said to itself, "Well, this ain't much of a place, but it looks like this is where I'm gonna be. Just watch me world, I am gonna grow and be special and maybe if I am lucky, someday someone will choose me to take to their home and be their Christmas tree." How that tree survived is a complete mystery to me. You can see what would have been the tall and slender trunk froze to death but the tree continued to grow from side branches. There are no branches on its lower trunks. That is because during the nights, that snow turned into ice and compacted and settled and tore the young branches off. Something in that tree just wouldn't quit. Each spring that tree would stand itself back up as the ice melted away and a few buds at the top would open and it would grow a few more inches. Finally, after about a hundred years, it managed to get a few branches that survived because they were higher than the snow. Now that tree's cousins down in the protected valleys grew round and beautiful and tall, but up there on that hill in the brutal winters and the roaring winds that ol' tree didn't have much chance. I guess that is what made me stop that day. Now don't think I'm complainin’, cause I shore ain't. I just got to thinkin' how I came to be born out here in Wyoming on a ranch in the wide open spaces and the howling wind. I didn't get to pick the place, I just growed up here, and I reckon this is where I'll stick. I've gotten used to howling winters and hot dry summers and they don't even bother me. I look at that ol’ tree, and all its bends and twists, and it reminds me of broken bones, and aches and pains too numerous to mention. That tree is bent and grotesque, and no resemblance to its cousins in more sheltered places. Then I take a look at me. I got a beard to cover scars on my face. I got a pot belly and hitch in my gitalong, and it's clear I'll never be a movie star or President of this country. The longer I looked at it the more I realized lots of us shore got a lot in common with that ol’ tree. We're bent and battered, worse for wear, but all of us is still standin' out there in that harsh wind. In spite all that life has dealt us, we can still stand tall and tough and proud. See ya down the trail! ![]()
"The Wayward Wind" Words and music by: Herb Newman and Stan Lebowsky Sequenced by: Gary Rogers © Chip Harding Site created by: Twink's Ink September 18 1999 ![]() |